
The Numerology of 2020

If three is the magic number, what is number four

Lucky and Unlucky Numbers!

I ask about number four because 2020 has a numerological number of four, and we all know what a shit-fest 2020 has turned out to be. So much so, you may be thinking, what if 2020 is the modern-day equivalent of 666?

Well, to find out what is so wrong with 2020, you must understand the importance of numbers. For instance, what is numerology and what is the significance of numbers in astrology?

Numbers have always been thought to improve one’s luck or to bring us bad luck. Consider the ancient Greek thinker, Pythagoreas. He believed the whole universe had been built using mathematics. And that the truth behind the everyday reality we experience lies in numbers.

Pythagoras also thought that two was a “bad number” because when the second day of creation was mentioned in the Bible, it never stated whether the day was good or bad. Thus, for Pythagoras, it implied that number two was not a good number.

Based on his belief, one must imagine Pythagoras would absolutely have known that 2020, with its two twos, was going to bring us nothing but misfortune. I guess we should have known that doomsday or a doom-year was approaching.

However, that’s not what happened, is it?

Astrologers’ Predictions

Reflecting on the start of 2020 I was surprised when I was online and saw most people thought 2020 was going to be their year lol. I even remember astrologer Susan Miller appearing on CBS News in New York when she was asked to participate in a segment predicting the events of 2020. Susan said (in summary) that 2020 would “be a great year; in fact, it will be a prosperous year”.

2020 would “be a great year, in fact it will be a prosperous year”. 

astrologer, Susan miller

To be fair, 2020 has a ring too, doesn’t it? It just rolls off the tongue. It sounds complete, and it comes in a pair. Therefore, the double digits could have unconsciously made people think they were going to get something extra; they could have received double blessings in 2020.

I personally was excited for the end of October because each year, at the end of October is when my fresh start begins because the benevolent sun will cross my ascendant. The ascendant is the starting point in everyone’s chart, and the sun will cross it every twelve months, which triggers new beginnings.

Nevertheless, I am not surprised that Susan predicted a good year because I read an article where Mrs. Miller stated she doesn’t like to write or talk about anything negative in her predictions; in fact, she said she excludes certain words she perceives to be negative.

Our obsession with numbers: The Pythagorean method

Our obsession with numerology stems from numbers being regarded as something that could bring good or bad luck, or being used as a predictive tool to foresee good luck or bad fortune. Numbers were believed by some biblical scholars like Pythagoras to provide more meaning to our existence. If you are interested in understanding more about numerology, you can read a bit about its history here.

Nevertheless, there are many variations of what we would call numerology. Nevertheless, Pythagorean/western numerology, alphabetic, biblical, Latin numerology, and so on. Whichever numerology you decide to follow, it all belongs to the field of the occult.

The Pythagorean method is typically what you find on the numerous online numerology calculators that give meaning to your name. Although his methods have been around for centuries, they really took hold in the late 2000s, around 2009 and 2010.

The Pythagorean method presumes that our birth names could reveal our characteristics if we used numbers to decode them. And as a result, without knowing or having a prior conversation with any person in question, we could each know a little more about one another.

However, the revelation only discloses the nature of the character a person wants to display rather than disclosing the individual’s real personality 

So How does it Work?

In order to proceed, you must write your name in full, as it is written on your birth certificate. Then, each letter is assigned a number from one to nine, and the numbers are assigned to the letters of the Latin alphabet as follows:

  • 1 = a, j, s, 
  • 2 = b, k, t, 
  • 3 = c, l, u, 
  • 4 = d, m, v, 
  • 5 = e, n, w, 
  • 6 = f, o, x, 
  • 7 = g, p, y, 
  • 8 = h, q, z, 
  • 9 = i, r, 

If you add together all the numbers associated with each letter in your full birth name, it will be reduced to a single digit, giving you a single digit. And that single digit reveals your outer persona.

What About the numerology of 2020

When it comes to interpreting dates rather than your birth name, you must use another method whereby the numerological number of 2020 is added together until it is reduced to the lowest number (decreased to a single digit between 1 and 9). Thus, number four is the numerological year 2020.

Although it must be said that aside from each year deriving from a singular number which will resonate with the general public, we all have our own individual yearly number, which will give you further insight into what each year, including 2020, has to offer.

Anyway, when working out the numerology year or individual year number, like when you were asked to reduce your name down to a single digit, there are no master numbers (double digit numbers).

As a result, if the year of interest totals 11, 22, 33, or 44 (master numbers), it must be reduced further. Although master numbers are thought to be special, they are typically discarded for your numerology year or your individual year number.

Master numbers are often connected to the date you were born by adding up your birthday. However, some numerologists might say 2020, with its two two’s, is a master number; 22 is the Master Builder.

For more on Master Numbers read it here 

The Numerology of COVID-19

Nonetheless, the issue with trying to work out the numerology year of the pandemic becomes complicated, as seen in the name of the viral infection, COVID-19. The name “Covid-19” indicates that the infection started in 2019 rather than 2020.

However, the virus became viral in 2020. So, let’s use the starting day of when Chinese officials officially made an announcement about COVID on the 25th (2+5) of January (1) 2020 (2+2) +12 and break it down further to obtain a one-digit number 1+2 =3. 

Because COVID-19, hence the name, started in 2019, shouldn’t we apply the devastation to 2019? When you multiply 2+0+1+9 together, it produces 12. Reduced once more, 1+2 = 3.

So, which one should we use as the numerological year, number 3 or 4?

It’s best to focus on the year COVID-19 had a major effect on our lives, and it wasn’t just COVID-19. The Black Lives Matter movement heightened in late May 2020. Thus, the point of interest was/is 2020; the year of our suffering. Therefore, number 4 it is.

Upon reflection

Susan Miller wasn’t far off when she proclaimed Capricorn would be the year’s “celestial favourite” because at the time the epidemic hit China, Capricorn was rising.

Similarly, all the people who had been expecting 2020 to be an extraordinary year predicted it right. It is a year that we will never forget. Although each year people set their goals and intentions for 2020, I’ve never seen a year hyped to be a year of importance more than the year which will go down in history as an extraordinary peculiar year.

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