
The Numerology of 2021

Numerology for 2021 is 5

According to Astrology

Unlike 2020, when we should hibernate, 2021 is a time to create. 2021 marks the fifth numerology year for our collective.

In astrology, the fifth plot/area (house) in a chart involves speculative business, children, games, romance, leisure time, creativity, and your ability to have fun.

So, it’s time to start a business, or at least we’re brainstorming ideas. 2020 should have made us realize we need better foundations, and many may start a side business.

Because of all the planetary activity and numerology occurring in 2020, I already knew (although I hoped this would not be the case) that 2020 was not a year of fun activities and certainly was not a good time to manifest. I was more pumped for 2021, which gives us the numerological number five; a creative and playful number. Although number five can also be considered a lazy number.

Increase Birth Rate?

Nonetheless, birth rates may rise in 2021 (most likely due to people spending more time at home, but also because the fifth plot governs children and births).Alternatively, it could be a time when people are spending more time with their nieces and nephews.

We could also find ourselves deciding to step back into the dating world. And if we hadn’t already recognized the importance of leisure time or the necessity for a work-life balance, taking time off to relax will be a must in 2021.

However, it plays out for you, 2021 should be an exciting year!

Although remember, you will also have your individual numerology year. 

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