• Compatibility

    Aries and Taurus- Show ME the MONEY? 

    Aries Cardinal Fire sign: Symbol-a Ram (male sheep) 🐏 Taurus fixed Earth sign: Symbol- a Bull  🐂 Aries interests: Themselves, health, their image, animals etc  Taurus interests: Art, Literature, Sex, Nature, Food etc  Compatibility rating: 6/10  A not to serious outlook on the pairing for Aries   A sheep and bull pairing isn’t as farfetched as a lion falling in love with a crab. Yes, I am calling out Leo’s shacking up with Cancer. Okay, it’s a slightly unusual pairing, but this hookup could really happen. After all, you are both livestock. And astrologically, you are next-door neighbors. Technically, Aries, you are a separate species from cattle. But I’m sorry to inform…

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