• Retrogrades

    How I got a free MacBook Pro during Mercury Retrograde!

    Do you want to know how I got a Free Macbook pro during Mercury Retrograde? Okay, am about to let you into a little secret and share with you how I managed to a free Mac book pro (and accessories) during Mercury Retrograde. No, I didn’t get a replacement Macbook like other people claiming they got a MacBook Pro for free, I was trying to buy a brand new MacBook (and other accessories) but ended up getting them all for FREE!!!! So, you should know that screw-ups, failures, technical glitches, miscommunications, and delays are the keywords woven into the horror stories of Mercury retrograde. People will tell you not to…

  • Astrocartography

    My Trip To Mars!: Visiting My Astrocartography Mars line

    Part of a trilogy VOL 1. 2.3 Dakhla, Western Sahara, Morocco- Mars in MC (Zenith) Astrocartography Mars Line Want to travel to Mars? If you had the opportunity to go to Mars, would you go? You know you can go right now. Well, at least I went on a trip to Mars. Do you want to know how I travelled there? When you imagine what life on Mars would be like, the first thing you consider is its appearance. A journey to Mars will likely conjure images of a planet that is scorching hot. The planet’s surface is covered with crimson dust. The closest I’ve come to experiencing such an environment was…

  • Miscellaneous

    Gift and stocking ideas for each Zodiac Sign

    Here is some gift and stocking ideas for each Zodiac Sign if you feel overwhelmed by the prospect of holiday shopping but don’t know where to begin? As it turns out, astrology may be a great resource for figuring out the most thoughtful present for any occasion. Aries: A gift that reveals or hides their identity? The majority of Aries are animal lovers, but “they” say don’t give pets as gifts. As a result, an Aries often prefers anything unique or “themed,” such as their upcoming Halloween costume (they love elaborate garments to play on or hide their identity). If not that, then one of those Formula 1 racing “experience”…

  • Dating

    How do you know you’ve met the one?

    How do you know you have met the one? As in the “one” you will marry for life! “I guess when you’re young, you just believe there’ll be many people with whom you’ll connected with. Later in life, you realize it only happens a few times.” Quoted from Celine in Before sunset But it’s possible that there are several “ones,” despite your skepticism. Getting older can help you put your ideals in perspective, for sure. You can meet many people but in the end, end up with your reality rather than your dream. Furthermore, the answer of “how do I know…” is different for everyone â€” but first you should be…

  • Dating

    Am I Meant to Stay Single? 💔💔💔

    Are you single because “you can’t take another heartbreak?” The Statistics According to businessinsider.com, nearly 40% of American adults are single. But it was not revealed how long they had been single for. However, the Pew Research Center analysis found that about 38% of American adults ages 25–34, were not in a relationship. It is not just people in their 20s or 30s that are single, but the Guardian newspaper reports that an increasing number of women are choosing to be alone. Although, is it more like you’ve exhausted your dating options if you are alone rather than it being a choice? Would you be in this predicament of being…

  • Retrogrades

    Tips on How to survive Mercury Retrograde!

    What is Mercury retrograde and why does it occur? Mercury Retrograde occurs because Mercury cannot be more than 27° away from the Sun. When he nears beyond the 27° mark, he has to retrograde back so that he can be closer to the sun. Retrogrades happen every three months (or round about), and they can last for up to three weeks. In truth, planets don’t retrograde backwards or travel backwards as described, nor do they ‘slow down’. However, planets can ‘appear’ in the sky as if they are moving backwards. Mercury in Rx (how it appears in an astrological chart) is marked by one significant event or a set of…

  • Career

    How to successfully bide your time in a job you hate!

    Why is it good to bide your time?  Oftentimes, people will say, “Well, how could you stand it? “How could you handle being in a job you hate?”  Most people stay so they can bide their time to earn more money, to find a replacement position, or because of low self-esteem.  Biding your time does not always have to mean begging your boss to let you stay longer. If you are going to quit a job you hate because things have become unbearable, you must find strategies to cope. This is in addition to knowing your motivation for staying.   When you are in a high emotional state and loath your employers,…

  • Life

    Exhausted all your options? 😫

    Are you holding yourself back and not reaching your full potential? Bongiorno  Are you at a point in your life where you feel you have nowhere left to turn?  You’ve exhausted all avenues?  Perhaps you have one or two paths left to pursue, but if those options don’t pan out WTF are you going to do?  Instead of leaving the job or industry that you despise, you persuade yourself to “stay put.” You tell yourself to “remain in a loveless relationship, to remain in a shovel abode. And the list goes on.  My Clients Story I remember doing an astrological reading for a client who worked in the motor industry.…

  • Astrocartography

    North Node MC line in Astrocartography

    I’m not going to lie, I’ve never been to anywhere quite like Glastonbury. It is a town that keeps pagan and new-age traditions alive, but on steroids. Kind of like what you imagine Salam to be like or the town in the Love Witch movie. I believe the town is in Arcata, California, and in the movie the place tolerates witchcraft. Glastonbury isn’t dark or evil per-say, although I did see a dead rat, dried out, where the household bags were being thrown out. I did wonder if it had died because of the heat or was it used in a ritual. No, no, Glastonbury isn’t that kind of town. It’s…

  • Astrocartography

    Travelling to Mars-Mars In Peak!

    Part of a trilogy Vol 1- 1.3 Casablanca, Morocco- Astrocatography Morocco is one of three of eight countries I need to visit to change the course of my life forever. Okay, maybe that is slightly dramatic, but I need to face things ahead to bring some balance into my life. The other two countries that make up part of this trilogy is a country located in Asia, and a little island in the South Pacific. I will be visiting them and other countries in the up coming post. So you might be asking, What’s in Casablanca? Apparently Morocco (well near Morocco) is where I need to be to experience passion, adventure, drive,…

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