
15 Reasons why you hate your job!

We’ve all been there: stuck in a job we hate.

If you feel fortunate enough to still have a job after COVID-19, good for you.

However, if you returned to a job you loathed, I suspect you’re a tiny burst blood vessel away from jumping on your desk, and screaming “GO TO HELL.” I’m getting the F out of here.

Well, that’s unlikely to be how you will behave.   

The reality of the situation is that you have to figure out how to endure an insufferable environment. I’m sure it’ll be hard because the thought of leaving consumes you at every waking moment. Even if you know you’re going to leave soon, you’re still struggling to stick it out. Worse is when you want to leave but are afraid of being fired.

The decision to leave a secure position is daunting, but staying is soul-destroying.

I remember when one of my clients had Pluto in her 6th house of work in her solar return chart, and she dreaded working for this one particular company. She felt like a prisoner having to report to other staff, people who didn’t even have the authority to give her orders.

To make matters worse, she was freelancing, aka self-employed, so she wasn’t sure why they made her feel she was a hostage.

She had no valid reason to stay since the customers were demanding and the office-based staff members hated the fact that she was doing a similar job to them, but my client got to work from home.

She told me she would receive emails and calls from them telling her they weren’t happy with the work she was producing, and once again, this wasn’t from management; it was from management employees who had no authority to be telling her such things.

There was no reason to stay, but she wanted to use the money to invest in her brand.

Therein lies the conundrum.

We all have our reasons for staying.

Why do people stay in jobs from hell! 

The most common reason for putting yourself through such an ordeal is having to stick it out for an extended period of time.

  • You need the money and can’t obtain it elsewhere, or you’re saving or paying off your mortgage and don’t want to the stress of a new job.
  • You’re waiting to transition. Be it into a new job. In the process of building a brand. You’re about to move home.
  • You have to stay in a job you hate because you’re hoping for a promotion or receiving certain training that you can only get with said company. In this instance, you may like your employers or work colleagues, but you don’t like the role or the pay.
  • Some people stay longer in a job if they’re attracted to someone from work and don’t want to lose that connection, or (non-romantically) if they love the company of their co-workers and fear leaving will impair their friendship.

Some of these examples will overlap, which makes things slightly more complex, i.e., you are staying for monetary purposes to help invest in your brand. You need to stay in your role because you are receiving free training which you couldn’t afford if your company wasn’t supplying it to you for free.

What people tell you to do when you hate your job! 

People who don’t understand your complex situation are likely to tell you that the simple solution to your problem is to ” get another job,” but if you hate your current place of work, it’s likely that the issue at hand may not be the company you’re working for but the industry. This is one reason why bidding your time can prove vital.  

Understanding why you detest your job! 

Use the list below to identify how you can bide your time. 

  1. Doesn’t provide a good work-life balance—perhaps you work long hours away from home, or you work at home and struggle to balance working hours with relaxing hours. The job is too demanding. 
  2. Not fulfilling
  3. Don’t like your work colleagues? 
  4. You are struggling with your duties associated with the role. 
  5. Haven’t been properly trained. 
  6. Believe you’re being under-recognized for the work you put in. 
  7. Despise your clients. 
  8. You are poorly paid for the work you do (you know you need to be making more money). 
  9. You hate your boss, but you don’t see him or her often. 
  10. Hate your boss/supervisor? See him or her often. 
  11. Hate the location. For example, it’s too far to commute, or maybe it’s too close to home, as in right outside your doorstep (like you work with your family).
  12. The job you do is too personally aligned with your “real” life. 
  13. It does not align with your values—embarrassed by your job.
  14. It does not suit your personality. 
  15. The business is failing.  

 As already mentioned, it may not be the companies/employers’ fault, rather it’s the industry, the ‘field’ you are in and moving to another role in the same industry may not bring you happiness.

For instance, certain industries are known for having a high turnover of staff. Another company may have a tendency to only hire contractual employees. The industry may only hire people of a certain average age.

Your industry isn’t traditionally seen as a career choice for people looking for a career; rather, it

Alternatively, your sector isn’t generally considered as a professional choice for people searching for a career; rather, it may be the type of industry where people are always transitioning or are attracted to the work because it provides additional cash.

However, if your reasons for hating your job do not fall under this bracket but you despise your clients, working hours, pay, work colleagues, and overall conditions of the workplace, it’s best to try and take a break or reduce your hours.

What should you do? 

Analyze whether it’s the industry or just feel it is the working environment. Then figure out how long you need to stick it out for before moving on to your next chapter.

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