• Numerology

    The Numerology of 2024

    if 2023 was said to be “the year of the divorce—the year of the breakup. The year of the undoing of love”—have you ever wondered how this year will unfold? Well, the numerology of 2024 is more about the collective yearly experience rather than your personal numerology year number. There are lots of different types of events or calculations that use numerology, from your name number and so on. Anyway, if four is the magic number, what are two twos and one four? 8 Yes, 2024 numerology reduces down to number 8. Turn 8 on its side, and you have the infinity number. So, in other words, 8 is an…

  • Houses

    What is the 8th House?

    What is the 8th house? The 8th house is a place where you deal with things you are most afraid of. This is the house of  death (endings), and taxes. The house where you  psychoanalyze your life.  In the 8th house, taboo themes may be found. Things that people would rather not go into. However, in the 8th house, you must do just that. Dig deeper to completely understand what is truly going on under the surface.  It is in this house that you will  find your biggest challenges!  When attempting to understand this house, you must first take into consideration the opposing house to the eighth house. The opposing house…

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