• Career

    How to successfully bide your time in a job you hate!

    Why is it good to bide your time?  Oftentimes, people will say, “Well, how could you stand it? “How could you handle being in a job you hate?”  Most people stay so they can bide their time to earn more money, to find a replacement position, or because of low self-esteem.  Biding your time does not always have to mean begging your boss to let you stay longer. If you are going to quit a job you hate because things have become unbearable, you must find strategies to cope. This is in addition to knowing your motivation for staying.   When you are in a high emotional state and loath your employers,…

  • Career

    15 Reasons why you hate your job!

    We’ve all been there: stuck in a job we hate. If you feel fortunate enough to still have a job after COVID-19, good for you. However, if you returned to a job you loathed, I suspect you’re a tiny burst blood vessel away from jumping on your desk, and screaming “GO TO HELL.” I’m getting the F out of here. Well, that’s unlikely to be how you will behave.    The reality of the situation is that you have to figure out how to endure an insufferable environment. I’m sure it’ll be hard because the thought of leaving consumes you at every waking moment. Even if you know you’re going…

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