• Numerology

    The Numerology of 2024

    if 2023 was said to be “the year of the divorce—the year of the breakup. The year of the undoing of love”—have you ever wondered how this year will unfold? Well, the numerology of 2024 is more about the collective yearly experience rather than your personal numerology year number. There are lots of different types of events or calculations that use numerology, from your name number and so on. Anyway, if four is the magic number, what are two twos and one four? 8 Yes, 2024 numerology reduces down to number 8. Turn 8 on its side, and you have the infinity number. So, in other words, 8 is an…

  • Numerology

    The Numerology of the number 4 

    The number four has many connotations. Firstly, it became attached to the theory of the four elements sometime around 450 BCE because of philosopher Aristotle.  He said: All life and all matter is formed from one or more of four elements- fire, earth, air, and water.   aristotle There are four seasons as well as four cardinal directions (North, East, South, and West). Thus, number four manifests itself as a number associated with the environment. As a result, the number four has a natural relationship with “earth” and creation.  4 in Astrology In astrology, number 4 rules roots, family, home, and private life in astrology. Heritage, land, and property. These words suggest ownership,…

  • Numerology

    The Numerology of 2020

    If three is the magic number, what is number four?  Lucky and Unlucky Numbers! I ask about number four because 2020 has a numerological number of four, and we all know what a shit-fest 2020 has turned out to be. So much so, you may be thinking, what if 2020 is the modern-day equivalent of 666? Well, to find out what is so wrong with 2020, you must understand the importance of numbers. For instance, what is numerology and what is the significance of numbers in astrology? Numbers have always been thought to improve one’s luck or to bring us bad luck. Consider the ancient Greek thinker, Pythagoreas. He believed…

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