
The Numerology of 2023

A gloomy and uncertain outlook?

According to Numerology, the sum of each year’s digits has its own distinct themes and events. 

It’s called a “Universal Year.” And we can all feel it at the same time. 

In a Universal Year, the vibrations of a specific number last the entire calendar year, from New Year’s Day through to the day before the following one. 

Breaking down 2+0+2+3 gets you to Number #7. And we will collectively feel this energy. 

However, in astrology, #7 is a number relating to the theme of togetherness. But it is also concerned with negotiations and contracts. Furthermore, the energy conveys themes of our known enemies. 

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres has warned of an “unprecedented global hunger crisis“. And what’s next after the energy crisis? The Ukraine invasion? Inflation and supply chain disruptions? 

What’s in store for 2023?

Normally, new year celebrations are full of drunken revellers, parties, and fireworks, and 2023 will be no different. 

Although, in another dimension, year 7 would be chimed in meditatively. 

Envision a small group of individuals lighting incense and burning sage. And it looks like they’re drinking and splashing the sole water, washing away ghosts of the past . And not to forget, chanting in the New Year. 

Well, that’s what would happen in an alternate year 7. 

But we live here on Earth.

Thus, you know those end of year review shows? Well, in our universe, year 7 is kind of like that, “looking back”. However, instead of a year-by-year news retrospective, 2023 feels like we are reviewing (daily) with a laser-focus on where we went wrong.

Then add in the sage cleansing (Smudging).

Thus, universal year #7 emphasizes sabbaticals, stillness, and introspection. 

Globally, we’ll take time for reflection. Moreover, we’ll see many people make adjustments to work hours. But could business closures cause this? 

 Taking an extended time away from work…

In this year of introspection, more people may work alone or not at all. Some industries may be harder to break into. 

Nonetheless, the mysticism, occultism, and personal development industries show potential growth. 

Either way, we will see more things slow down. With many people taking an extended time away from work.

But most importantly, 2023 in numerology is an opportunity to gain insight about how we have been behaving collectively.  

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