
How early in January do our blues begin? 😰

Firstly, what are January Blues?  

 Is it a season of hibernation? A marketing ploy? Depression? Break-up season?  

Are you here because you want to know if the January blues are true?

And if so, when in January do our blues start? 

Well, I would imagine our blues start after we fail at least one New Year’s resolution.

That is when the January blues are upon us. Not to forget, we go from January 1st to January 15th in the blink of an eye. 

If you didn’t already know, the January blues are a brief but powerful feeling we get whenever we face our first month without nonstop partying, eating, smoking, drinking, chatting, and gift opening.

Whether we just wrapped up Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, new year’s celebrations, or both, we are now in the season of failure thanks to new year’s resolutions. And are our pockets are empty after all the spending we did last month?

January is pretty bleak, and there are no twinkling lights to cut through the winter’s gloom.

As a result, all some of us want to do is hibernate, to sleep it off and wake up in the spring.

However, many couples divorce in January; families try to reunite after falling out as a result of spending too much time together or getting drunk and saying things they wish they could take back.

Stress levels during the holidays are exacerbated.

For years, lawyers have said that January has unofficially been dubbed “Divorce Month.”

The majority of people feel particularly low in the first month of the year, especially those living in cities where it’s not only cold but gets dark before the evening.

All this makes it hard to make it through the month, which begins in the gloomy old goat Capricorn. The sign of Capricorn is known for its stability, organisation, and functionality. But this can result in a tendency to take things too seriously and strictly. Capricorn is also connected to Saturn, a planet recognised for its limiting and restrictive tendencies.

Besides all that, there are the brands that have jumped on the idea of the January blues by creating Blue Monday.

The third Monday in January

Blue Monday is the name given to the third Monday in January. In some parts of the world, it is referred to as the most depressing day of the year.

There are no statistics to back this up.

Blue Monday, or the worst day of the year, is nothing more than a marketing tool. UK airlines had used it to get passengers to book flights to warmer climates to escape the depressing first winter of the year.

What can you do to overcome the January blues? 

  • Exercise is defiantly a mood booster.  

Walking shifts your energy, enhances creativity, and boosts vitamin D. Walking around the block can be as intense as sitting with your thoughts. 

If it is possible to incorporate this practice into your daily routine, it will make you more able to face the things that get you down. However, going out when you feel so low might be too overwhelming. 

Therefore, use another method, such as changing your eating habits. 

Walking shifts your energy, enhances creativity, and boosts vitamin D. Walking around the block can be as intense as sitting with your thoughts. 

If it is possible to incorporate this practise into your daily routine, it will make you more able to face the things that get you down. However, going out when you feel so low might be too overwhelming. 

Therefore, use another method, such as changing your eating habits. 

Foods to boost your serotonin 

  • Dark chocolate 
  • Eggs 
  • Cheese  
  • Nuts 
  • Salmon  
  • Oily fish 
  • Tofu 
  • Pineapple 
  • Turkey- dark meat  

Other foods include: 

Soups- Try to eat broth soups. However, even if you are vegan or vegetarian, cream soups are not ideal because you want to stick to an anti-inflammatory diet that includes avoiding dairy products. 

Either way, try to avoid junk and processed foods as much as you possibly can because they are not only inflammatory but will also make you more tired. You will potentially put on weight. Sugary foods make you want to eat more sugar and, as a result, might make you feel even worse. 


  • S.A.D Lamp 
  • Work out dumbbells, boxing glove etc 

Vitamins to boost your serotonin and mood 

  • Vitamin D is an alternative if you cannot manage to get outside. And although some research has shown Vitamin D lifts moods this supplement is most effective in helping the body regulate calcium and phosphate. These nutrients are needed to keep bones, teeth and muscles healthy. If you can’t get out of bed and are not as socially active as you once were taking some Vitamins D  encourage serotonin production and release. 
  • 5-HTP (5-hydroxytryptophan) is an amino acid that is the intermediate step between tryptophan and the important brain chemical serotonin. It is used as a dietary supplement to treat depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, and other conditions. It is also used to help with weight loss, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), fibromyalgia, and headaches. 
  • l Theanine can help you tolerate the day because its relaxing, a calming agent found in green tea. The amino acid found in the tea leaves was identified by Japanese scientists in 1949. However, L-theanine does not consistently increase the brain’s serotonin β€œhappy” neurotransmitter, associated with positive mood enhancement, but has been shown to result in an increase in some instances. 
  • Omega-3 fatty acids was mentioned when suggesting foods. Oily fish is a great source for not only raising serotonin but also Omega-3. The nutrients you get from food (or supplements) like Omega-3 is not only found in fish but also in seeds and nuts like flaxseed, chia seeds, and walnuts). And oils such as flaxseed oil, soybean oil, and canola oil. In any case, this nutrient is also available as a supplement, but most pills that contain Omega-3 fatty acids are derived from fish, so vegans and vegetarians should double-check the label.  
  • B12 and all B vitamins should be your next or first protocol. It has been said that low levels of B-12 and other B vitamins such as vitamin B-6 and folate may be linked to depression. Therefore, this supplement is perfect for those that experience extreme exhaustion, cold shivers and shivering spells. Additionally, during times of stress, you may experience extreme mood swings and depression.  

Additionally, you may want to consult with a doctor before trying to boost your serotonin levels. And a doctor may also recommend considering seeing a trained therapist. 

Lastly, sex releases endorphins, which are hormones produced by the body that act as natural painkillers and mood enhancers. Not only that, but sex raises the body temperature, which’s needed during the cold season. 

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