Men in Astrology

Capricorn Man

It’s better to date him later in life or marry him early?

A Man with Status

Capricorn males aren’t as showy as other star signs, especially when compared with a Leo or Libra man. A Capricorn man is usually quite edgy, kind of what you’d expect a Scorpio man to look like.

Of course, there are those types who are overly concerned with status. These men are found in VIP clubs, expensive hotels, and designer stores. If you run into this type of man, run the other way.

He will be too materialistic (overly concerned with others’ opinions, celebrity, or money, or/and status), and he will be tight with his money. This type of Capricorn will have a wandering eye. His wondering eye won’t ever go away. Not only that, but you will always have to compliment him.

How to Spot a Capricorn Man

When you first meet him, he may seem rather basic in terms of his attire. Dressed in jeans and a T-shirt that is associated with a concert tour. And not to forget, a black leather jacket. Alternatively, he may be wearing the same thing he wore the previous day.

Capricorn men are inches taller than other men. By trade, he is a musician or associated with music. Either he has studied music, plays in a band, or is a DJ, or he will always be forever talking about music.

If he says he doesn’t like music, his electricity is probably off. So, his home has no music.

Anyway, Capricorns, especially men, are minimalists at heart. All they really need is what is essential, and everything else is meaningless.

Capricorns are the types that will sell all their belongings because they need to fund their career. And when you visit their home, it will almost always look as if they have just moved in, even if they have lived there for the last 10 years.

Of course, not every Capricorn man is going to be the same!

Although Capricorn’s home and clothes may seem basic, everything they own will be expensive and of high quality. The things that he owns last a long time, and he doesn’t need to replace them as quickly as us common folk.

This is a good sign because it may mean that he won’t easily replace his lovers.

Capricorn Man – Career vs. Relationship:

Yes, this is a man of high standards and quality. The way he acquires his things is how he will acquire and treat his relationships. However, Capricorn men tend not to be in a long-term relationship until they have a successful career.

A Capricorn man may date many people. But his relationships fail unless his partners are career-focused. Alternatively, once he gives up his aspirations, his relationships improve.

Capricorn is the sea-goat.

A sign that climbs the status ladder, but he climbs it very slowly rather than taking short cuts as Gemini men, or to some degree, Aries or even Leo, will attempt.

Therefore, many Capricorn men have their most successful relationships when they’re in their 30s and 40s, and sometimes when they’re in their 50s.

As a result, Capricorn men normally date people connected to their work, whether this is an employee, somebody from work introduces them to somebody, they date a customer, they date the boss’s child, they work with their spouse, and the list is endless.

A Lone Goat?

A Capricorn man is serious about everything.

He prefers to be with his family or the people around him who will have some type of affiliation with his work. Typically, he is found attending private functions.

Capricorn is most alone because he has work to do, and until he achieves his goals, he doesn’t want to be distracted. His friendship network is scattered because most Capricorn men leave their birthplace to find success.

Are Capricorn men Boring?

However, there are some Capricorns that are going to be rather dull, and this can be an issue when trying to establish a relationship. Capricorns are deemed uninteresting signs since they are repetitive and predictable. As previously said, these people are basic.

Capricorns appreciate the simple things of their youth and a primitive lifestyle. They’ll socialize amongst a smaller group of trusted friends. They will listen to new music but always harp on about the past.

They may also be rather thrifty with their money, saving for a rainy day.

Most often than not, they don’t establish wealth until they are in their 40s and 50s. Therefore, don’t expect dates to be anything extravagant unless they are already wealthy.


Despite his reserved nature, the Capricorn is upfront when attracted to someone. However, he may not be keen on starting any committed relationships anytime soon. He’ll put work or a hobby above his latest admirer. There will always be an issue with the wrong timing.

Even if he’s interested, he’ll appear disinterested. Capricorns aren’t the best flirts unless they have a strong sign/Leo/Aries placement, so when they like someone, it’s not presented as romantic.

Not financially secure

As already discussed, the most off-putting thing that a person attracted to this sign may find is that the majority of Capricorn men are most likely not going to be financially secure.

This is fine if you’re meeting him at college or if he is in his mid-20s, but when he gets to 40 and you realize that he still has a low-paid job and is still pursuing his hobby, this will become an issue.

If money isn’t an issue or if this man is already very wealthy, then that’s great.

What is he really like?

What can be expected is a man that can build a house with his bare hands without the aid of anybody else. A man who enjoys being outside, hiking, and running.

Capricorns are family-oriented, but only if they support his ambitions.

Once in a relationship, he takes it seriously, asking/thinking “where is this going?” When knocked back, he’ll keep trying.

A Capricorn man has the stamina to put up with his partner’s nagging and self-analysis. And he will eventually want to make the relationship official. This is definitely the type of man that will want his partner to take his last name.


It is probably better to date a Capricorn man when he is younger because he thinks he has more time to pursue his goals than when he is older.

He is less likely to be cynical and can worship the ground on which you walk. When he’s young, you build together, so he doesn’t build his life alone and become pessimistic.

However, a Capricorn will only settle down young if his partner has status. Is someone already established or do they have a child together?

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