Venus Retrograde

Venus Retrograde in Leo for all signs

Think back to what happened to you this time eight years ago and eight years before that. 

I ask because Venus retrograde will repeat in the same sign every 8 years. And this Venus retrograde started back in 1991. 

However, it won’t be exactly the same because Venus is retrograding to different degrees (minus 2 degrees each cycle).

As a result, conversations like conjunctions with other planets may or may not occur.

For example, in 2023, Venus conjuncts Lilith and squaring Uranus.

In 2007, Venus went retrograde in Virgo conjunct Saturn (restriction, maturity, self-discipline, and reassessment).

Then Venus was retrograde with Jupiter (optimism, growth, intellect, and expansion) in Leo in 2015; therefore, both cycles had different results.

Leo is a sign connected with

  • Romance
  • Playfulness
  • Pride
  • Generosity
  • Creativity
  • Hair

Do you have a personal planet (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) or angle (AC, MC, etc.) between 23 and 29 degrees in Leo? Alternatively, to a lesser extent, a planet or angle in Aquarius, Taurus, and Scorpio?

If yes, to those mentioned signs and degrees, this retrograde will be speaking personally to you. 

What is a Retrograde?

A retrograde is when a planet appears to be going backwards and extends its visit in the sign of its retrograde.

Venus rules:

  • Love
  • Laziness
  • Money
  • Possessions of all kinds
  • Relatedness
  • Luxury
  • Harmony
  • Beauty
  • Self- esteem
  • Self-Worth

  • Libra & Taurus

Returning to something from our past is an opportunity for reflection, growth, and reconnection. It allows us to honor the chapters we left unfinished, to mend broken bonds, and to embrace the lessons learned along the way.

As we step back into these realms, we bring with us the wisdom and experiences we have gained, infusing our present with the richness of the past.

Venus retrograde can help you achieve success in the creative and beauty fields. 

  • Painting
  • Illustration
  • Sculpture
  • Architecture
  • Fashion Design
  • Interior Design
  • Make Up
  • Acting
  • Directing
  • Animation
  • Music Production
  • Writing and Journalism
  • Theater and Performing Arts
  • Dance and Choreography
  • Culinary Arts
  • Landscape Design
  • Creative Writing

In astrology, retrogrades are about fixing a situation by embracing a return to the past. The path back to the past can be a dull and weary one if you get lost.

But rest assured, the past doesn’t always stay lost.

As the retrograde shows you, certain things from your past can help you in this moment. 

Maybe you were hoping you’d never have to face the past. Maybe you were afraid to put your heart on the line and make the best of a situation. 

Retrogrades seem like an endless cycle of reinvention, but they’re also a constant reminder that life is meant to be experienced. Even in the worst of times, there is something to learn and grow from.

Themes of Venus Retrograde

  • Return to someone or something or something or someone returns
  • Meeting a past-life connection
  • Receiving more money (which comes but with some problems)
  • Spending more money (to resolve an accident, or money is spent unnecessarily)
  • Recurring payments (starts, endings, problems)
  • Refunds
  • Reflecting and Revising one’s worth, money, love , contracts, payments, and prices

Venus Retrograde dates in 2023

Venus enters Leo on June 5, 2023. Then it will go retrograde at 28 degrees of Leo from July 22 to September 3. Which is occurring next to everyone’s natal fixed star called Regulus; located at 29 degrees of Leo.

Although transiting Regulus is now moved into Virgo.

Regulus is the ‘kingmaker,’ the ‘winner.’ It is a signifier of fame.

In late June 2023, Venus goes into pre-shadow. As a result of the post shadow, Venus will not be fully functioning until October 8th, 2023, despite being out of retrograde on September 3rd. 

Retrogrades are about taking a leap and embracing a return to your past. The path back 

28 degrees, according to Nikola Stojanovic, relate to Cancerian themes (read more under Cancer). 

Leo, Venus goes direct at 8 degrees of Leo, correlating with Scorpio (read more under Scorpio).  

Many little birds on a limb of a large tree.

Sabian Symbol of 28° Leo

Although the Sabian symbol of 28 degrees of Leo shows: “many people, many voices, and a gathering together with those of like minds.” 

Should I read based on my Sun or Rising sign?

If you know your sun and rising signs, read them both to learn about Venus retrograde. Take note of events for at least a few months afterwards. When Venus goes direct, compare whether your sun or rising sign prediction was more accurate. 

Both should apply if your sun is in Leo and your rising sign is in another zodiac. However, Leo will speak more to you, especially if you have a natal planet in conjunction with Venus retrograde in Leo (23-29). 

Other astrologers may also extend this orb of influence to 4 degrees of Virgo.

Students of astrology who use the Placidus system and are late rising signs may want to read the next sign that follows their ascendant sign (i.e., late Aries read Taurus, etc.). 

Aries or Libra

On July 17th, 2023, you will have Venus retrograde in the romantic and social areas of your life. The North Node will enter Aries, and the South Node will enter Libra.

The nodes of destiny trigger your sense of self and your relationships. 

Whether you’re yearning to resurrect a forgotten dream, collaborating, or exploring themes connected with children, romance, and shared activities.  

For you Aries:

If your hobby is a business or you want to make money from it, this transit is ideal.

Venus generally rules finances (it is also your money planet). Aries, a gifted entrepreneur, will have the drive to complete your business or creative projects.

There is a desire for creative expression and the recognition of one’s talents. Venus retrograde may reflect your aspirations to share your ideas, thoughts, or stories with others and to receive acknowledgment for your work. 

Leo’s do not have hobbies: they only have additional careers

Parkers astrology

It’s time to examine how you make money from your “hobby” or anything you enjoy doing in your spare time.

Hobbies aside, you may choose to use lottery numbers you given up on since you never won. If you’ve never played the lotto and preferred sports or other hobbies, you can try it again (but no new numbers or speculative activity).

This retrograde also takes place where we find children. Some Aries will have a second kid or determine if they want a child (depending on one’s circumstances).

However, since Venus rules your opposing sign, you may face some legal matters. But Venus’s retro in Leo makes you risk love or speculation, including economic activity.

With the retrograde commencing at 28 degrees, you may want your family’s permission “to go forward” in a relationship.

If you have older children, they may be dating again, facing repeated hardships, having a second kid, or making some type of return (reunite/reconnect with you and your family).

For you, Libra:

Venus is your chart ruler. Your chart ruler is the planet that rules your ascendant or rising sign. Thus, it rules the first area of your chart. As a result, you may also want to read the Leo section since Venus will be transiting Leo’s 1st house. 

However, you will revisit a long-held ambition and decide whether to pursue it or let it go.

It could be reconnecting in your local community, making industry-specific contacts, or rejoining a group. This will be a time when you are provided with valuable opportunities for collaboration and growth. 

So much so, that engaging in ventures that involve cutting-edge technologies, inventions, or unconventional approaches can assist in supplementing your income. 

Financial opportunities come through your unique ideas and ability to connect with like-minded individuals or communities you already know, or through people you already know introducing you to a new network of people. 

Don’t be surprised if you reach out to former friends to help you fulfill your dream or if old friends suddenly renter your life. 

Either way, by utilizing your social network and building strong connections, you may gain access to resources, investment opportunities, or business partnerships that can contribute to your financial growth. Shared resources, pooled finances, or crowdfunding initiatives are examples of how the 11th house energy can contribute to financial gains. 

Giving back to your community, supporting charitable organizations, or initiating projects that benefit society can bring financial rewards, either directly or indirectly, through increased public recognition, donations, or grants. 


Lastly, love can be connected with an old acquaintance, someone who may be an old friend or someone with whom you once collaborated or went on a date in the past.

Alternately, you could be friend-zoned or do the same to someone who fancies you. 

You can also meet an impactful person who could become the mother or father of your child, but 8 or 16 years later, there could be issues pertaining to Venusian matters like financial issues and affairs that must be addressed. 

Taurus or Scorpio

When transiting Venus entered Leo, it opposed transiting Pluto in retrograde motion in Aquarius on June 5, 2023.

This opposition is known as an aspect in astrology. And for many Taurus and Scorpio risings, it would have crossed their IC or MC (sensitive, important parts of the chart). 

The MC and the IC have to do with opposites, so Home vs. Career, Public life vs. Private life, Family vs. Goals, etc. 

Because the IC and MC face one another in an astrology chart and are important angles of a chart (along with the AC and DC), the themes can feel like life takes you on unexpected detours, but deep within, there’s a yearning to return to what once was—a former goal, career, or business idea that holds a special place in your heart. 

Anyway, in the MC, you’ must confront your reputation; the desire to be socially accepted is reflected upon. Your reputation can contribute to a sense of belonging or not belonging and impact positive or negative social interactions. 

Gaining acceptance, esteem, and a sense of worth from people is possible when you have a good reputation. 

Reputation is a major factor in professional success, including promotions, job offers, and professional connections. Having a stellar reputation can provide opportunities, bring in new consumers, and boost your business for the long haul. 

Whereas the IC has much to do with private matters and belonging, like how does your family perceive you? What are the goals your family has for you, and have you fulfilled them? 

For you Taurus:

Venus rules both Taurus and Libra. If you are a Taurus rising, then Venus is your chart ruler. Your chart ruler is the planet that rules your ascendant or rising sign.

Thus, it rules your first house. As a result, you may also want to read the Leo section since Venus will be transiting Leo’s 1st house. 

Anyway, for you, it’s time to honor the whispers of your heart and embark on a transformative journey back to your roots—a journey that holds the potential to shape your destiny and unleash the full extent of your untapped potential. 

This is an introspective journey where you may feel drawn to reconnect with your family or even a home project like a long-awaited renovation project. Renovating the bathroom, kitchen, or sorting out the plumbing. 

Perhaps this retrograde gets you to reclaim a sense of purpose, reignite a passion that has dimmed, or seek closure on unfinished dreams. But most likely, you are spending more time at home licking your wounds because of unexpected career and relationship changes. 

Either way, you’ll explore the exhilaration of embracing the familiar while also confronting the challenges that come with revisiting the past. 

Don’t be surprised if you move home or your family wants to stay with you; moving back home may be done to reduce living expenses by eliminating or minimizing rent or mortgage payments, allowing you or your family to allocate more resources towards your outward ventures. 

Although many people returned home during the pandemic, for you, it may be time to leave your family home, maybe moving in with a partner, living with a bunch of people, or even living by yourself. 

Lastly, love can land on your doorstep, perhaps with one of the hired helpers liker fixing repairs; a former childhood crush can resurface; or even love through an old family friend or connection is very possible. 

For you Scorpio:

In short, you will most likely renter a former career or breathe life into an old business idea that can provide you with a second income. There is a longing for recognition, success, or validation in your endeavors. 

This retrograde could be a reflection of your ambitions and aspirations to achieve something significant in your chosen field or to make a lasting impact through your work. 

As a result, returning to a former goal, career, or business idea can be an emotionally charged experience. It’s a reunion with a version of yourself you may have left behind, prompting a mix of nostalgia, excitement, and even uncertainty. 

When you step back into the rhythm of your past, you’ll navigate a profound transformation, newfound wisdom, and self-awareness along the way. 

As a result of trying to give an old goal a chance, returning home may be a option granting you access to resources and networks that can benefit your entrepreneurial or goal-oriented pursuits. 

Moving back home when Venus in Leo opposes Aquarius also offers a level of flexibility and freedom that can be advantageous when starting a business or working towards personal goals. 

With fewer financial obligations and responsibilities, you have the liberty to take calculated risks, experiment with different approaches, and focus wholeheartedly on your endeavors without the pressure of immediate financial success. 

Alternatively, you could face the repossession of a property, which would lead you back home. 

Remember that Venus goes direct at 8 degrees of Leo, correlating with Scorpio and dealing with intense themes of secrets, destruction, research, pregnancy, sensuality, endings, renovation, etc.

And the 10th (MC) is also a place of successes and failures, which you will be assessing during this retrograde. 

Lastly, love can be connected with a boss, business partner, landlord or landlady, some other person in a position of power, a business connection, or even simply rekindling a crush you once had on a celebrity.  

But do you really want any form of relationship with the people just mentioned? If not, it may be time to let go. 

That said Jupiter (husband) is in your area of marriage.

Gemini or Sagittarius

Where your retrograde takes place is considered the mundane part of the chart. When an astrologer sees these planetary placements, they try to jazz things up because the reader is rarely impressed. 

The areas of the chart relate to your belief systems, your worldview, mentorship, publishing, communications, driving, religion, and your immediate environment.

These areas of life pertain to both Gemini and Sagittarius, as they are your natural houses in astrology. 

This means you must bring out your natural qualities to gain some equilibrium. 

For you Gemini:

Reconnecting with siblings, cousins, or neighbors holds its own allure. These are the individuals who have witnessed your growth, shared laughter and tears, and played a significant role in shaping your life. Returning to them can evoke a sense of belonging and a deep-rooted connection that transcends time and distance. 

It offers an opportunity to reminisce, exchange stories, and rediscover the bonds that have stood the test of time. 

These “stories” may draw you back to a writing project, captivated by the unfinished tale that still lingers within you, waiting to be penned. The characters you once breathed life into eagerly await their voices to be heard again, and the storylines beckon you with a magnetic pull. 

A thirst for knowledge and personal growth in your education or understanding needs to be addressed and developed further. This desire often arises from a deep curiosity and a sense of self-improvement. 

Filling in education gaps can take various forms, depending on the specific areas of interest or need. It could involve pursuing formal education, such as enrolling in courses or workshops, to acquire new skills and knowledge. 

It may also involve self-directed learning and engaging in independent research, but it is unlikely to be a degree program, although it may be an undergraduate or postgraduate program if you have planets or points (nodes, etc.) in Aquarius. 

Unfortunately, a repossession of a vehicle is not uncommon. And more mundanely, you can make a return to a popular social media platform. 

Lastly, love can be connected with someone you once studied with or someone from your old neighborhood. Alternatively, someone from your past messages you to do something in connection with a music, writing, or speaking venture.

And at 28 degrees, it can involve a woman, communicating her mood and emotions. 

For you Sagittarius:

The desire to enhance career prospects and stay competitive in a rapidly changing job market, or maybe even personal interests, the passion for a particular subject, or a longing to deepen one’s understanding of the world, leads you back into education. 

If not education, you return to your bucket list of places you have always wanted to visit, maybe it is in Italy or France (or simply you’re rescheduling your travel plans).

Traveling opens doors to new opportunities, expands horizons, and allows for personal and professional growth. It helps you become well-rounded, informed, and adaptable, equipping you to navigate the complexities of the modern world with confidence and competence. 

Besides travel and education, publishing a manuscript could have the potential to provide you with a second income. Or this time, it can signify a need for effective self-expression and communication. It may indicate a desire to articulate your thoughts, emotions, or experiences more clearly, seeking a platform to express your ideas and be heard globally. 

The topic of money also comes up with your siblings and neighbours.

Venus retrograde here in Leo represents a boost in self-confidence and self-worth. It may reflect a growing belief in your abilities, a sense of accomplishment, or a validation of your talents and potential. 

Lastly, love can be connected with holiday romances, rekindling a romance with a former exchange student, or someone you once went to school with. Even someone you have known for a long time in your neighbourhood.

Cancer or Capricorn

The areas of Cancer and Capricorn are one of the places where Venus traditionally rules; they are the places of your income, expenditure, movable possessions, and values and tastes. Although, because of your birth time, Venus is merely visiting rather than controlling these sectors of the chart. 

Whether you’re aware of it or not, every journey is a continual cycle of discovery and reinvention.

We must face the past in order to figure out what’s to come, but the best part is that the steps we’ve taken, the people we’ve met, and the places we’ve been are all just a part of a journey that never ends. Sometimes, we need to let go of what has happened in the past and open ourselves up to the potential of a new future. 

We must not fear our past or block our present by dwelling on it. 

For you Cancer:

Remember that Venus goes retrograde at 28 degrees of Leo, correlating with Cancer and emotional themes to do with family, protection, your environment, and a conclusion. 

In general, under 28 degrees, we can all uncover memories long buried and rediscover forgotten passions. We may feel a surge of nostalgia as we revisit familiar places and faces, awash with a flood of emotions and sentiments. There may also be a tinge of apprehension, for the passage of time may have altered relationships and dynamics, requiring delicate navigation to find common ground once again. 

You will be evaluating how you approach earning money and the value you bring to your endeavors. 

You will be looking at other means of providing financially for your family, and themes around payments for a home or a child’s schooling can push you into an old way of making money.  

Basically, security is at the forefront. 

Consider examining your methods of earning money and assessing whether they align with ethical and moral standards.  

Evaluate whether you prioritize delivering genuine value to others, providing products or services of high quality, and maintaining transparency and integrity in your transactions.  

Reflect on whether you are engaging in fair and honest practices or if there may be areas where improvement is needed. 

You may simply may need to be more creative.  

Furthermore, take into account the perceptions and feedback of others. Consider how you can address any misconceptions or misinterpretations. 

But it will not only be about how you earn but also whether you need to charge more. 

This transit can manifest in you returning many purchased items and sorting through your household items, recycling some, but be careful not to throw anything away right away because once Venus goes direct, you may regret it. 


Lastly, love can be connected to gift giving which reinforces a sense of belonging and being part of a relationship. It can make the recipient feel valued and included, deepening their emotional connection to the giver and the relationship itself. 

You should be showed appreciation, feel acknowledged, and feel valued, if not you must address the issue.  

For you Capricorn:

Venus rules the fifth and tenth houses unless you are a late Capricorn rising and ruling your fourth sector of the chart or your ninth. 

Money that may be owed to you or that was disputed could be returned. The place where this retrograde takes place will be a place of compensation and endings, unless you use the placidus chart. 

Most astrologers may warn against having cosmetic surgery or beauty treatments. Venus retrograde, like Mercury retrograde, has many superstitions that inform you to change dates for any such treatment. But it is more likely that you will have more than one procedure. 


Barefoot Astrologer

Capricorn rules teeth, but Leo’s body part has to do with your posture.  

Therefore, this retrograde should not correlate with any cosmetic surgery.  

But with Venus going retrograde at 28 degrees, the sign of Cancer pertains to one’s breast. You may not have surgery but may be thinking of having a breast lift, a reduction, or reconstructive surgery. 

Lastly, love can be connected with infidelity, an ex, or a one-night stand. If you are in an existing partnership, you could become more intimate or go back to having sex as you did once upon a time. Considering having a second child if you only have one can be a topic of discussion. 

Leo or Aquarius

The sun enters Leo on July 22nd, 2023. 

And like with Taurus and Scorpio, many Leo and Aquarius will have Venus retrograde in sensitive parts of the chart known as the AC and DC. 

The AC rules your personality, image, new beginnings, and perceptions of you, and the DC is where you find other people like a spouse, business partners, or at least one other person you have contractual relationships with. 

In traditional astrology, Venus would normally rule (control) this area (DC), but because of your time of birth, Venus is merely visiting rather than being the ruler. 

When Venus is in these parts of the chart, you normally hear astrologers say, Don’t dye or cut your hair. Don’t buy any new clothes unless you have a 90-day return guarantee. Lastly, you should never get married or start a new relationship during Venus Retrograde. 

If you marry during a retrograde, you may marry again, either to the same person or to someone else.

You will be re-assessing what and who you value, as well as taking a look at how you come across to others and re-examining all your partnerships. 

For you Leo:

This retrograde shows you how you may or may not seek approval by attempting to meet the needs and expectations of others, often at the expense of your own well-being and personal boundaries. Remember, you will be having a two-decade stay of Pluto in Aquarius in the opposite part of your chart. At times, you may feel that someone is controlling you. 

Leo is very much about self-expression, and now is a perfect time to develop a stronger sense of self-worth based on your intrinsic values rather than seeking validation externally. Practice self-care and self-compassion, and engage in activities that promote your personal growth and happiness. 

Reconnect with your true desires, embrace your uniqueness, and allow yourself to express your thoughts and emotions authentically, even if it means facing potential disagreements or conflicts.  

Doing so now will result in a much smoother transit of Pluto in Aquarius. 

Seeking approval may make you vain and self-conscious about your appearance.

Your behavior can see you spending money on beauty and wellness treatments you used to have and used in the past. 

Lastly, love can be connected with your spouse by rekindling the love you have for one another or having an affair with someone married or in an existing partnership. 

Alternately, this period allows you to reconsider your desires and priorities in relationships. You may find that your needs and preferences have evolved, leading to a re-evaluation of what you truly want in a partner.  

Either way, it’s time to align your relationships with your authentic self. 

For you Aquarius:

Venus will go retrograde in one of Venus’ traditional homes. 

Any astrologer looking at this may tell you not to sign any contractual agreements during Venus retrograde. However, it is likely that you will resign or renegotiate terms at a later date. 

Contracts aside, based on the whole sign system for Aquarius rising (only), your Venus should rule international travel, foreign audiences, domestic matters, your private life, higher education, and publishing. If you are a budding writer, you may land or be seeking a publishing contract. 

However, it is most likely that you will be moving in with at least one other person. Alternatively, due to the end of a partnership, one person vacates a shared property. 

Themes around where in “the world” you want to raise your family or to move to start a family come up.  

If you are in an existing partnership, it’s time to evaluate whether your partnerships are balanced, harmonious, and aligned with your values. Issues related to trust, communication, and intimacy may come to the surface for examination. 

Furthermore, you may be wondering if your mate really loves you and if you still love them. 

Lastly, love can be connected to an ex. This could also be the time you meet your spouse, move in with a partner, or get engaged. However, similar to Aries, be mindful because 8 or 16 years later, there could be issues within the relationship pertaining to Venusian matters like financial issues or affairs that must be addressed. 

Either way, Venus retrograde can bring emotional healing and growth within relationships. It provides an opportunity to address unresolved conflicts, heal wounds, and make necessary changes for a healthier connection. It’s a time to work on self-love and self-worth, which directly impact your relationships. 

Virgo or Pisces

Venus retrograde, like Gemini and Sagittarius, will not excite clients.  

One area where this takes place is one of solitude, behind-the-scenes activity, recovery, and secret enemies. The other location revolves around health, hygiene, habits, and working conditions. 

Although it may not set your pulse racing, sometimes we pray for peace, ask for things to slow down, or, on the other hand, ask for complete transformation. 

Remember that habits are the building blocks of our daily routines and behaviors, and they have a significant impact on our overall lifestyle.  

So, when you consciously choose to change a habit, it often signifies a desire or intention to transform aspects of other areas of your life. 

This can happen even when a planet is opposing this area through a transit. 

Embarking on a journey of reintroducing neglected aspects of wellbeing into your life can be transformative. It involves recognizing areas that have been overlooked or deprioritized and consciously making an effort to bring them back into focus. 

For you Virgo:

Most online astrology software programs that create free natal charts will give you the default placidus chart, which makes it more complicated when giving general readings.  

Nevertheless, based on the whole sign system for Virgo rising (only), your Venus should rule driving, siblings, neighbors, and communications of all kinds. 

Also your Venus about:

  • Shared resources
  • Death (endings) and rebirth (Beginnings)
  • Psychological depth
  • Sexuality
  • Occult and metaphysical matters
  • Inheritances

You can therefore find money returning to pay for health insurance, hospital fees, etc. 

You receive financial support because of an illness. 

However, many Virgos or Virgo risings will work behind the scenes on occult and metaphysical matters. Alternatively, it may be your sibling that is working behind the scenes on this topic, which provides them with a second income. 

Occult matters aside, someone like your sibling could have left you an inheritance. If not that there is talk about a possible inheritance.

Additionally, you may want to check in on your siblings, neighbors, and cousins. 

These people in your life may need some support; maybe they are struggling with a secret or with an illness. 

There is something about this retrograde cycle being at 28 degrees that suggests creating a stronger bond and fostering a sense of security and unity within your family. 

This is not the best time to take action or to make any life-altering decisions; rather, try to bide your time and meditate on what you truly desire; if you do not know, ask your ancestors for guidance. 

Lastly, love can involve revisiting past connections. With someone you want to stay hidden. You might rekindle a crush that you were too shy to talk to. For some, this will be their chance. 

For you Pisces:

The most obvious interpretation of this is getting health checks. This process may include various elements such as cleansing, adopting a regular exercise routine, aligning with your natural circadian rhythm, and finding a work-life balance that promotes well-being. 

Cleansing, whether through a physical detox or decluttering your living space, can have profound effects on your mental and emotional well-being. 

It allows you to create a fresh start, eliminating the accumulation of physical and mental clutter that may be weighing you down. By clearing out the unnecessary, you make space for new opportunities and experiences. 

Reconnecting with your physical health is another crucial aspect. Returning to the gym or engaging in regular physical activity can boost your energy levels, improve your overall fitness, and enhance your mood. It reconnects you with your body and promotes a sense of vitality and well-being. 

Additionally, honoring your circadian rhythm by aligning your sleep-wake cycle with natural patterns can optimize your energy, productivity, and overall health. 

Although changing habits alone may not guarantee a complete lifestyle overhaul, It often requires a holistic approach that encompasses various areas of life, including mindset, values, goals, and priorities.  

However, consciously modifying your habits is a powerful starting point and can serve as a catalyst for broader lifestyle changes. 

Lastly, love involves a former coworker or client. Love could come in the form of a pet, but remember that owning a pet is a long-term commitment.  

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