• Wellbeing

    How early in January do our blues begin? 😰

    Firstly, what are January Blues?    Is it a season of hibernation? A marketing ploy? Depression? Break-up season?   Are you here because you want to know if the January blues are true? And if so, when in January do our blues start?  Well, I would imagine our blues start after we fail at least one New Year’s resolution. That is when the January blues are upon us. Not to forget, we go from January 1st to January 15th in the blink of an eye.  If you didn’t already know, the January blues are a brief but powerful feeling we get whenever we face our first month without nonstop partying, eating, smoking,…

  • Life

    Exhausted all your options? 😫

    Are you holding yourself back and not reaching your full potential? Bongiorno  Are you at a point in your life where you feel you have nowhere left to turn?  You’ve exhausted all avenues?  Perhaps you have one or two paths left to pursue, but if those options don’t pan out WTF are you going to do?  Instead of leaving the job or industry that you despise, you persuade yourself to “stay put.” You tell yourself to “remain in a loveless relationship, to remain in a shovel abode. And the list goes on.  My Clients Story I remember doing an astrological reading for a client who worked in the motor industry.…

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