• Wellbeing

    How early in January do our blues begin? 😰

    Firstly, what are January Blues?    Is it a season of hibernation? A marketing ploy? Depression? Break-up season?   Are you here because you want to know if the January blues are true? And if so, when in January do our blues start?  Well, I would imagine our blues start after we fail at least one New Year’s resolution. That is when the January blues are upon us. Not to forget, we go from January 1st to January 15th in the blink of an eye.  If you didn’t already know, the January blues are a brief but powerful feeling we get whenever we face our first month without nonstop partying, eating, smoking,…

  • Miscellaneous

    Gift and stocking ideas for each Zodiac Sign

    Here is some gift and stocking ideas for each Zodiac Sign if you feel overwhelmed by the prospect of holiday shopping but don’t know where to begin? As it turns out, astrology may be a great resource for figuring out the most thoughtful present for any occasion. Aries: A gift that reveals or hides their identity? The majority of Aries are animal lovers, but “they” say don’t give pets as gifts. As a result, an Aries often prefers anything unique or “themed,” such as their upcoming Halloween costume (they love elaborate garments to play on or hide their identity). If not that, then one of those Formula 1 racing “experience”…

  • Dating

    Am I Meant to Stay Single? 💔💔💔

    Are you single because “you can’t take another heartbreak?” The Statistics According to businessinsider.com, nearly 40% of American adults are single. But it was not revealed how long they had been single for. However, the Pew Research Center analysis found that about 38% of American adults ages 25–34, were not in a relationship. It is not just people in their 20s or 30s that are single, but the Guardian newspaper reports that an increasing number of women are choosing to be alone. Although, is it more like you’ve exhausted your dating options if you are alone rather than it being a choice? Would you be in this predicament of being…

  • Men in Astrology

    Capricorn Man

    It’s better to date him later in life or marry him early? A Man with Status Capricorn males aren’t as showy as other star signs, especially when compared with a Leo or Libra man. A Capricorn man is usually quite edgy, kind of what you’d expect a Scorpio man to look like. Of course, there are those types who are overly concerned with status. These men are found in VIP clubs, expensive hotels, and designer stores. If you run into this type of man, run the other way. He will be too materialistic (overly concerned with others’ opinions, celebrity, or money, or/and status), and he will be tight with his…

  • Women in Astrology

    Capricorn Woman

    Her Reputation A Capricorn woman has a reputation for remaining calm and collective. Yet the “cool” part of cool, calm, and collective has been eliminated. Possibly because of the vagueness of the word “cool.” Cold which is far more severe has replaced cool. Someone probably didn’t want “mature” Capricorn to be associated with such a hip, young, word like cool. I’m willing to bet that one of the other signs has maliciously propagated a story that Capricorns are frigid, hard as nails, and willing to do everything to get ahead. Capricorns are not all cold and unapproachable. She will surprise you when you hear her talk about her sex life.…

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