
My Trip To Mars!: Visiting My Astrocartography Mars line

Mars in Zenith

Part of a trilogy VOL 1. 2.3 Dakhla, Western Sahara, Morocco- Mars in MC (Zenith)

Red desert like Mars

Astrocartography Mars Line

Want to travel to Mars?

If you had the opportunity to go to Mars, would you go?

You know you can go right now.

Well, at least I went on a trip to Mars.

Do you want to know how I travelled there?

When you imagine what life on Mars would be like, the first thing you consider is its appearance. A journey to Mars will likely conjure images of a planet that is scorching hot. The planet’s surface is covered with crimson dust.

The closest I’ve come to experiencing such an environment was the day when England’s sky turned orange. The brownish, sepia-toned sky was caused by a hurricane meeting a forest fire back in October 2017.

Sepia tone London like Mars
A Sepia tone London Thank to Storm Ophelia

Ophelia originated in the Azores where it was a hurricane and as it tracked its way northwards it dragged in tropical air from the Sahara. The dust gets picked up into the air and goes high up into the atmosphere, and that dust has been dragged high up in the atmosphere above the UK.

Because the dust is so high, light from the sun is scattered in the longer wavelengths, which is more the red part of the spectrum, so it appears red to our eyes.

BBC meteorologist Simon King

I asked the question about going to Mars because my astrocartography chart has Mars located in Dakhla, Western Sahara, on the edge of Morocco’s Sahara Desert.

What is Astrocartography?

Astrocartography is a method of locational astrology. It looks at how a person’s life is likely to change depending on where they live.

Basically, your planets and planetary symbols in your birth chart are calculated and mapped out on an atlas. You can see in which places in the world you will feel and experience the themes and energy of the planet and sign the most.  

Dakhla is dry and dusty

Anyway, despite the mild year-round temperatures, Dakhla is dry and dusty. It is also windy in the spring and winter, which can do serious damage to your health.

Mars in Cancer

In astrology, Mars is the planet of war, but my Mars in my birth chart is in a “fall” (unfavourable) position in water sign Cancer.

My journey started in Casablanca, and one of the famous lines in the movie was that Rick moved to Casablanca for the water.

Interestingly, like my Mars in a watery location, Dakhla is a major destination for water sports despite the town being in the Western Sahara.

As for Cancer she is a feminine sign. But the environment of Cancer in astrology is like a rainy day that throws you off your plans. So, you decide to stay at home, eat good food, watch an old movie, and go to sleep. 

Whereas Mars is a masculine planet that wants blazing heat and action. 

Mars is seen to be tied to war, whereas Cancer is a homebody, the ultimate mama’s boy or girl. 

Do you see how Mars would be unhappy in Cancer despite a Cancer environment trying to make the best of the situation? 

The image of the War God seems to have emerged in the ancient Near East, at the time when nations were increasing in conflict with their neighbours.
Lindsey Sally Gillespie

Lindsey Sally Gillespie

Anyway, I had landed in my Mars in MC wondering what lay ahead!

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