Saturn Return

Saturn Return Age 28 to 30

 Who said being an adult is easy? 


Forget about thinking you were a mature adult when you were eighteen, nineteen, or twenty-one, because you were not and will not be. We will not have our ish together at these ages because we’re not even close to touching adulthood.

Why not, you may ask?

Well, because you are not an adult until you have undergone your Saturn return,

What is Saturn Return?

You’ve probably heard a bit about the Saturn Return, but in layman’s terms, the Saturn Return marks your transitional period into adulthood.

Your metamorphosis isn’t like a caterpillar becoming a butterfly; it’s like no longer being tethered to your mother. Grieving the loss of something, like when a new baby cries. feeling abandoned.

Basically, during a Saturn return, you reconfigure what it means to be attached to your parents, form bonds with a new family, or try and find your forever family home.

The cutting of the umbilical cord marked the start of life outside the womb, and Saturn’s return to native Saturn is the start of you building new structures in your life and taking accountability for the things you want to commit to that work and those that fail.

You may want the end result of metamorphosis, i.e., love the idea of being an adult, but you won’t want Saturn’s wrath for the mistakes you make during the transition from youth to adulthood.

Why Has Saturn Return got a Bad Reputation?

Saturn whips you into shape. He is a relentless disciplinarian. Saturn is a taskmaster who wants to make you more committed to something that will be in your life for the long term.

He wants you to become controlled, self-sufficient, responsible, economical, persistent, and successful.

Events occur at the time of your return that force you to stand on your own two feet. Although you are growing into yourself, you will feel alone. You feel like you’re your own parent, or you have become a maternal or paternal figure to people you meet on a daily basis.

It will take you a few years to stop feeling burdened and resentful of your experience, and then you can get back into the swing of things and feel youthful again.

Saturn Rules Capricorn

Saturn rules the Earth sign of Capricorn, the tenth sign of the Zodiac. A Capricorn is a mountain goat who undergoes a grueling climb to the top of the mountain.

Capricorn is a loner, a workaholic, and, when negatively projected, can be distant and guarded. Capricorn, like Saturn, is a goal setter. 

Interestingly, we have our Saturn return around the time people set big targets. “I want to be married by thirty.” “by the time i’m thirty I want a baby.” “I want to buy a house at thirty”. 

But life at 27, 28, 29, and 30 can be challenging, and Saturn wants to remind you that it takes hard work to achieve your goals. not only to accomplish them but to maintain them.

What Can I Expect to Happen!

When transiting Saturn returns to the same position as he was at the time of your birth, astrologers refer to this as a Saturn return. And this happens between the ages of 28 and 30. However, not every 28- to 30-year-old will have a period of crisis.

Marriages, business launches, and births will also mark your entry into adulthood. Some businesses and unions will be successful, while others will not weather the storm. You can become more real after a few mistakes and stop caring what people think.

Through your achievements and downfalls, you learn to build on solid foundations by avoiding rushing the process by taking on a position of responsibility or authority before you know yourself or the rules of life.


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