Men in Astrology

How to spot a Gemini Man

Fickle or flighty?

You can spot a Gemini man by his laughing, chattering, talking at high-speed volume, twittering!

But for a man so fascinated with all things communicative, he’s hardly ever online. And when he does tweet or post on the gram, he ends up deleting all evidence that he’s visited the site. Ahh, there are many puzzling things we’re all trying to understand, but we first need to know how to spot him before we pick his brains.

I already mentioned his traits in the intro: he’s communitive. But let’s go over a few more characteristics.

How to Spot a Gemini Man

A Gemini man has a gleeful enthusiasm and enjoys music, but you can recognize him through his speech or fixation on other people’s languages and cultures.

He’s the Peter Pan of the zodiac, the most youthful, talkative, and changeable of all the signs. Geminis are interested in people from all walks of life because they love information; Mercury, the planet of communication, is his ruling planet, after all.

No matter the gender, Gemini likes to be surrounded by people, although the friendship is unlikely to be intense since Gemini’s landscape is always changing (he’s fickle). Where Cancerian men are the hardest people to become friends with (check their rising, moon, and day of birth), a Gemini can be spotted by the number of friends they have.

You can also find a Gemini man who may look slightly undeveloped, be it chubby cheeks or boyish undefined abs, but he will also be a bit of a chameleon when it comes to his appearance.

A Gemini man does not only change his looks (by his design but can be a natural change), he may change his voice, accent (like Jonny Depp), religion, and beliefs.

Gemini’s appear to do all of this on the same night. If you are a jealous person, then think twice before committing to this sign. Male Gemini’s are notorious for getting along with the opposite gender, so be sure he will have plenty of female friends. 

Gemini and the 3rd House

The Gemini house is the third house that rules the mind, siblings, neighbors, short-term education, communication, and so forth. A Gemini naturally has charisma; even if he is a nerd, there will be something fun and appealing about him.

Image & Traits

Often, Gemini men are prone to being involved in many accidents, even from an early age; many will have some distinct scar, missing limb, or severe physical condition that is apparent on their body. They are very childlike and may have the attention span of a three-year-old.

These men are often tall and look different day to day, but mainly have a very young look to them. Their teeth are very noticeable for one reason or another; they tend to move their hands a lot, pace from pillar to post, and are prone to gossip.

This man is very approachable; although you do not have to approach him, he will make his way to you. He will be dying to know what information you can share with him so he can retell the story at a later date (if the story were any good, but-please do not tell the same story twice, it would only annoy him).

Although this man may approach, you don’t expect real declarations of love. While a Gemini man needs time to ponder his thoughts, during this time he will try to repress his feelings. Although he may be unsure of what he wants, he will continue to flirt.

If you don’t manage to talk to him or you are a closed person, he will want to know all about you. The need to know will drive him to do nosey things. Gemini is the type of guy that will Google you or go through your bag to see what information he can find.

He’ll often have three different jobs, or he could have just one, but he is likely planning on getting another two. His line of work may be as a teacher, preacher, salesman, or anything else that involves talking. Gemini’s are pacers; they walk from place to place, back and forth, swaying from side to side. 

He has a nervous, flighty way about him, and he’s rarely still. The Gemini man is a shifty, curious character who is always thinking about his next move. And he is a very active sign; he loves to travel, even if it is only in his mind.

Be careful that this man does not wear you out. With all his talking, pacing, planning, and mental activities going on, he knows how to play mind games even if they are not intentional.


A Gemini man gets easily bored. He wears himself out when he is trying so many things out and because he is always changing his mind. A Gemini man will meet so many people and so forth, but he is forever looking for the next new and exciting thing.

If you are a homebody, then forget trying to make sense of this sign. If you do manage to catch a Gemini man, hold on tight, because chances are he will be on the move soon, or wanting to leave will forever be on his mind.

However, Geminis do need practical people because of their flighty nature, although you would have to change with them. 

Like with Cancerian men, you need to understand his emotions or even better, understand his mind. If you are witty, intelligent, mysterious, fun, like change, and have a lot of energy to keep up with this Gemini man, you may be a match made in heaven.

Also, if you are good at listening not only to him but to the radio, gossip, and television all at once, then you will also be in with a shot.

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