Women in Astrology

Virgo Woman

Virgo Woman

The Myth

A Virgo woman is smart, conscientious, neat, and efficient. She’s the bookworm of the zodiac.

Well, that is what we all think until we run into a Virgo’s messy bedroom. Our dreams of Virgo’s “perfect image” then begin to shatter. This is because Virgo is a sign who usually upholds herself to the highest moral standards. Although she may be methodical, she is also likeable because she’s easy to get along with.

In fact, there aren’t many people Virgos don’t like and vice versa.

She seeks a quiet life, but because she worries, it’s hard to achieve. Virgo worries that she doesn’t know enough, isn’t enough, and will get hurt.

The “Virgin”

In ancient astrology, Virgo is associated with the Virgin.

However, in modern times, Virgo can be viewed as a very modest person living a comfortable life. Even if she is a millionaire, she will not typically flash her wealth because she’s trying to remain humble.

In addition to the first interpretation, the other modern interpretation of the term “virgin” is a single person raising a child without the aid of a partner. She has children, but her partner is absent.

A typical Virgo routine involves raising children or pets, but if she’s childless, she’ll be a workaholic. However, if there are children, then sometimes health issues will arise.

You see, Virgo’s are born into this world to serve others, be it serving in the army, volunteering, or waiting hand to foot on a partner or child.

Sickness involving children, animals, or one’s own health allows a Virgo not only to play the role of server, but Virgo also gets to use her skill of analysis to easily detect any illnesses.

If you were born a Virgo, you should expect to work hard for everything you have.You will always feel as if you are morally obligated to do something, and you may say yes to people when you should be saying no.

Image & Health

There aren’t many signs as concerned with healthy eating and regular exercise as Virgo. She can be an emotional eater but can lose the weight quickly if she puts her mind to losing weight.

Saying that she may be a fussy eater.

Regarding clothing, it can take her time to grow out of what her mother would think is appropriate. But when she finds her own style, she still favours a sensible style through functional clothing like the “soccer mom,” “mom jeans,” or as we say in England, someone doing the “school run.”

Kids aside, blazers, cocktail dresses, loafer (Slip-on) shoes, pleated skirts and subdued tones. But many Virgo women also like to wear vintage pieces.

In Relationships

In relationships, this modern virgin interpretation can be applied again since she will believe she must live as if she is single even if she is not.

A Virgo woman will only publicly expose the relationship when a child is born, or if they are married, or if their parents have accepted the other person.

She thinks her relationship will not be deemed acceptable by society. Maybe this is to do with issues around sexuality, religion, or for financial reasons, etc.

Hiding relationships is also the case for people with Venus in Virgo or Virgo in the 8th house.

Virgo Tidbits

Virgo is ruled by Mercury and is the natural occupant of the 6th house.

To find out how much Mercury influences you and your birth chart, take the How powerful is your Mercury test. If you have already taken the test, read about the meaning of having your Mercury in each house.

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