• Astrocartography

    My Trip To Mars!: Visiting My Astrocartography Mars line

    Part of a trilogy VOL 1. 2.3 Dakhla, Western Sahara, Morocco- Mars in MC (Zenith) Astrocartography Mars Line Want to travel to Mars? If you had the opportunity to go to Mars, would you go? You know you can go right now. Well, at least I went on a trip to Mars. Do you want to know how I travelled there? When you imagine what life on Mars would be like, the first thing you consider is its appearance. A journey to Mars will likely conjure images of a planet that is scorching hot. The planet’s surface is covered with crimson dust. The closest I’ve come to experiencing such an environment was…

  • Astrocartography

    Travelling to Mars-Mars In Peak!

    Part of a trilogy Vol 1- 1.3 Casablanca, Morocco- Astrocatography Morocco is one of three of eight countries I need to visit to change the course of my life forever. Okay, maybe that is slightly dramatic, but I need to face things ahead to bring some balance into my life. The other two countries that make up part of this trilogy is a country located in Asia, and a little island in the South Pacific. I will be visiting them and other countries in the up coming post. So you might be asking, What’s in Casablanca? Apparently Morocco (well near Morocco) is where I need to be to experience passion, adventure, drive,…

  • Astrocartography

    Moon IC Line- Hell on Earth or Domestic bliss?

    Moving to my Moon in IC Line? Agadir & Essaouria, Morocco What is the IC in Astrology? The IC stands for Imum Coeli (IC; from Latin for “bottom of the sky”) and it is located at the bottom of an astrological chart. It marks the start (the cusps) of the 4th sector of the chart (12 sections in total). In the 4th is where family, property, land, inner life, nationhood, roots, the core of you, and the end of life are all located. What is an IC Line? In locational astrology, the IC line is the equivalent of visiting the 4th house. And the Moon in IC is like having…

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