
The Numerology of 2024

if 2023 was said to be “the year of the divorce—the year of the breakup. The year of the undoing of love”—have you ever wondered how this year will unfold?

Well, the numerology of 2024 is more about the collective yearly experience rather than your personal numerology year number.

There are lots of different types of events or calculations that use numerology, from your name number and so on.

Anyway, if four is the magic number, what are two twos and one four?


Yes, 2024 numerology reduces down to number 8.

Turn 8 on its side, and you have the infinity number.

So, in other words, 8 is an “otherworldly” number!

Number 8 is cyclical and has no limits.

People who study numerology often see the number 8 as a sign of peace, power, or strength.

It is said to carry forces from both the physical and spiritual worlds, which suggests that the two can work together in harmony.

The “otherworldly” quality of the number 8 fits with the idea of going beyond the limits of this world and connecting with a bigger, more cosmic force.

It also points to a year when the lines between what can be seen and what can’t be seen may become less clear, allowing for life-changing events.

Number 8 in Astrology

In astrology, the year before was a 7, relating to the relationship sector of an astrology chart.

Although many celebrities filed for divorce in 2023, according to Fobes “The Divorce Rate Steadily Decreases From 40% to 30% as Income Increases. As a couple’s incomes increase, divorce rates tend to decrease.”

Thus, the cost of living has affected almost everyone, including the rich and famous.

Nevertheless, number 8 in astrology is the 8th plot (house), the house of death and rebirth.

People have generally linked the 8th house to big changes, renewal, and the way life goes in cycles.

The word “death” may sound scary at first. But in astrology, it usually means the end of one phase and the start of a new one.

As a result, the 8th house stands for rebirth and growth.

It is also a location of taxes and other people’s money, i.e wealth and tax shakeups, perhaps?

No matter what happens in 2024, we may all go through events that change us. The forces of the number 8 point to a time of big societal changes, when old habits may give way to new opportunities.

This is because the 8th house in astrology strengthens the theme of renewal, pushing people to accept change and start a journey of self-discovery.

And the number 2024 suggests that the year will be full of changes in relationships, work, and spirituality.

This is because the year will bring together the endless possibilities of space and time with the transformative forces of the number 8th.

In Summary

In summary, the energy of 2024, an eight-year for the collective, is marked by revelations, a sense of dread, and a loss of control that touches everyone.

The collective experience reflects the struggles faced, emphasizing the importance of strength, empathy, and mutual support.

Amidst challenges, individuals and communities can emerge stronger, bringing about positive change and cultivating a more resilient and compassionate society by tapping into their inner strength.

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