
He never calls me 🤳🙄 

Not even to check on me! 

It’s common courtesy for a guy to call you back or initiate contact regardless of the status of your relationship. As a result, he’s either playing mind games, has a shitty personality trait, or he’s not that interested.

Even though the silence is painful, you should think twice before contacting the person first to try to get back together. It can look like you’re desperate.

Men like to think they’re in the driver’s seat.

But what you really want to know is why he never calls. The psychology of a man not wanting to call you

  1. How to tell if he’s not interested

Did you start off by messaging or calling him without him giving you his details personally? 

I ask because intruding on someone’s privacy can come across as rude and impulsive. As a result, your actions in moving forward first may not have seemed heartfelt or logical.

Many men look at a woman’s behaviour to see if she is going to be a stable partner or only something ephemeral. Furthermore, jumping the gun does not leave room for him to begin it first to display his prowess or to know if he was really interested in you in the first place.

Thus, do not ever contact him until he contacts you first. Then follow the last step.

In addition, if you have never received a birthday card or Christmas card, or he does not try and get to know you (directly-asking you about yourself, about your day, etc.), he’s not that into you.

  1. How to tell he’s not ready for a commitment!

Commitment phobes are the worst type of men to date because you see their potential, which means you’ll stay with them for longer and/or be heartbroken for years to come.

This man appears to be too busy. He might be interested in you but is poor at balancing his commitments. You will know if you are not his main priority if he puts work before everything.

Work commitments can be tricky. You probably want to date an ambitious man. But be careful of not being short-changed by a man who is not ready to fully invest in you. If he keeps telling you that his priority is his work and that he has no time to call, is he really ready for the same level of commitment as you?

  1. How to tell if he is playing mind games?

Always on-again, off-again. On-again, off-again! 

The relationship is always up and down. You never really know where you stand. One minute you are together and the next you are off, but there are multiple times where there is no end in sight.

You mistake sex as the only form of intimacy. You think you are close to one another because of the passion, or because of the sex. But he is always (almost) never honest with any other form of emotion outside of love making.

He may love you or be falling in love with you, but he never tells you unless it is centred around love making. Then it is more of an infatuation than love.

Anyway, his actions have a negative impact on your mood. You feel or feel confused, unable to decipher his words or behaviour.

In truth, if you do not understand his behavior, you probably aren’t compatible.

Nonetheless, the types of men that play mind games love to abstain from calling, wanting to send you into a frenzy, so in turn, you expect less from them.

But generally, the mind game man does call, even if it is a missed call. They love to send coded or sexual messages that fill your head all day. So, if you are dealing with a man that never calls, he probably isn’t playing mind games because he loves to string you along with a lot of messaging. Then abstain.

  1. How to tell if he is married or in a pre-existing relationship?

Married men or men in a pre-existing partnership will generally call on a schedule or arrange for you to call when it’s appropriate for them. They would rather message than call in case your call raises suspicions with their partners.

They can stop calling when they are busy with other things in their life. When they know you want more of a commitment, the contact stops. But an attached man will rarely ever not call you, if that makes sense.

  1. How to tell if he has a shitty personality trait? 

One way to tell if he is just a shitty person is if he displays predatory behaviour. He puts on emotional acts of sincerity and vulnerability in an attempt to persuade, intimidate, charm, disarm, or entice you by pretending to be the victim, usually of the person they are in fact victimizing.

However, this type of man hunts you down because he wants sexual contact with you. He is the type of person who is always calculating or who lets bills pile up because they don’t know how to pay them And if they’ve missed a few calls or messages, they’ll feel terrible and have no idea how to get it back to the way it was.

He never calls, even when there has been a family bereavement or you have gone through another tough time. Other tragic events haven’t motivated him to act on his feelings.

Furthermore, if he knows you are not happy with him not calling but dismisses your feelings and continues to not call, then he’s pretty shitty, right?

  1. How to tell if he has a personality or mental disorder 

If he potentially has a medical condition, then he can display all the above “how to tell” traits. So, it is hard to tell.

Nevertheless, if he generally has a forgetful personality and an out-of-sight, out-of-mind mentality, if his behavior spreads out into other parts of his life and you recognise his behaviour as a disorder you have heard about, then in a harmless approach, tell him what you think. If anyone has ever brought it up, he might have x condition.

What to do?

What to do? -This last step (should be the 1st step)

The best protocol is to face this head on and simply ask him why he never calls you. But do not ask him over text or by phone; ask him face 

You must ask him the question above face-to-face so you can see his reaction, watch his body language, etc. And ask without being sarcastic. Approach the conversation from a place of curiosity rather than hurt or anger, because you do not know why he’s behaving the way he has behaved, thus give him grace.

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