
Ghosting: The Grass is Greener Somewhere Else!

In the dating process, ghosting is an emotionally immature way of dealing with awkward encounters.  

Unlike ignoring, ghosting implies that you are deliberately ignoring the person, which is far worse than simply ignoring them. 

Out of embarrassment both men and women ghost. Vanish because they are emotionally immature and fearful. 

“Ghosters” can’t be in a relationship. They can’t deal with being honest. Can’t deal with being uncomfortable, so they just move on.

“Ghosters” can’t be in a relationship. They can’t deal with being honest. Can’t deal with being uncomfortable, so they just move on. 

Although, if you are being ghosted you might kid yourself into thinking silence is a sign of them working through something. Needing time alone to see if they can work things out alone. But some people that Ghost hope you will get so mad that there’s no need to talk about whatever the issue was. 

But if you do reach out to them, to meet up or to “help sort things out” so you can have closure, they stress out even more. Honestly, it will be a miracle if they respond. 

Cancer. Leo. Scorpio. Capricorn.

The signs most likley to ghost

If someone hasn’t contacted you after you have contacted them don’t completely throw them out because they may have a good excuse like being ill, stress, family matters. But before you know any of that for your own mental health bench them.  

Don’t get over optimistic. Take them down many pegs on your mental list of possibilities or what could have been.

Demote them to an acquaintance.  

Believe me the grass is greener somewhere else. 

Although in most cases the grass is not always greener. If someone completely falls of the face of the earth, they want you to forget about them. And as a result, the grass will be greener somewhere else. Ignoring you is one of the lowest forms of disrespect.  

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