
Do’s & Don’ts During Venus Retrograde

Venus’ movement through the sky and impact on our lives make it one of the most beautiful and intriguing planets. The months of May and October have a lot of Venus-related activities.

She oversees the finer things that move us. Thus, she encourages us to appreciate life’s pleasures and luxuries, not to forget beauty.

Furthermore, this planet regulates all forms of love, from passionate to platonic.

Venus goes retrograde every 18 months, and when Venus is in retrograde, you need to be aware and know what’s going on.

Some people might think that Venus retrograde is a time when they shouldn’t make certain choices, but it’s important to remember that astrological advice is just one part of our lives.

For example, it’s a personal choice, like whether or not to go on a date, but dating during Venus retrograde will not have a negative long-term impact on most people’s lives.

However, like all retrogrades, Venus appearing to go backward could derail things in matters of relations and finances.

Here’s a list of the top dos and don’ts.


  • Don’t Get Married: It’s often advised not to get married during Venus retrograde if possible. Venus is associated with love and relationships, and its retrograde period can bring about challenges and uncertainties in romantic matters. If marriage is a possibility, it might be wise to plan it outside of Venus retrograde phase to avoid potential difficulties.
  • Avoid Professional Photographs: The aesthetic influence of Venus can be disrupted during its retrograde phase. Photographs taken during this time might not capture your best appearance or reflect your true essence. If possible, delay professional photoshoots or important profile pictures until after Venus retrograde. I had forgotten about this and had to have my picture taken for an ID card, and it was the worst picture I have ever taken.
  • Cosmetics and Aesthetics: Since Venus rules beauty and aesthetics, it’s advisable to avoid significant changes in your appearance (including your home decor, hair (cuts or hair transplants, dye, etc especially when Venus is retrograde in Leo.), and clothing dye, during this period. Major cosmetic procedures or changes to your personal style might not turn out as expected. Wait until Venus goes direct to make aesthetic decisions.
  • Lower Expectations in Love: During Venus retrograde, feelings of attraction and affection might be subdued. It’s not the best time to expect love at first sight or to make important romantic decisions. Instead, focus on introspection and reevaluating your feelings and priorities in relationships.
  • Don’t buy big-ticket items: You run the risk of being impulsive and getting carried away and buying things that you don’t need, things you would enjoy at a later date, or the fine details will be obscured from you.


  • Visit the doctor and have surgery If needed; don’t listen to people who say don’t have surgery during Venus retrograde; try and reschedule. Consult with qualified healthcare professionals to determine the best course of action for your specific medical needs.” However, do expect some minor hiccups.
  • Declutter, donate, or sell old clothes. Consider which possessions truly bring you happiness, and pack away the others. But do not throw them away or donate them until after Venus goes direct, because you could change your mind and have regrets.
  • Reconsider all your relationships: Consider breaking the cycle of casual hookups, giving up the one-night stands, holding off on marrying that airhead or the guy with all the money, and giving up on those deadbeat parents. Whatever the relationship, it is time to assess who and what you value and who values you.
  • Assess your spending habits and how to increase your income: Do you always buy coffee at Starbucks, clothing and shoes from Target, take a car to work every day? If you get a nice new TV or a fancy car, do you put it on your credit card? Do you use a monthly grocery card to get your $50 bill out the door, or do you use cash instead? These are obvious problems to avoid, and during and after Venus is retrograde, you’ll become aware of purchases that are of value and those that are not.
  • Do your research: Although doing your research during a retrograde is seen as a mercurial thing, there is no harm in doing a bit of research before you part with your cash or going on a blind date, during Venus retrograde.
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