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Retrograde Phases (with Pictures): Take action or wait?

What Astrologers tell you about timing during retrogrades!

Astrologers will tell you when a retrograde planet goes direct in your weekly or monthly forecast. They say when the planet moves forward, that is the time you should take action, like starting something new, signing a contract, etc. However, retrograde planets undergo phases, so the date the astrologer gives you is not the date you should know.

The phases of a retrograde cycle start when it appears to be moving backwards. Then it goes into what’s known as a shadow period, which is pre-retrograde. After that, the planet goes into retrograde motion, where it appears to go backwards. Thereafter, it goes direct-then into the post-shadow or post-retrograde phase.

It usually begins like this: Pre-Retrograde Phase: Time to take action!

So, an example I want to give you is when you get ill.

Symptoms come on gradually. There is a slow build when you have a cold, flu, or whatever. You may not necessarily get hit with the worst symptoms immediately, but it first starts with little signs that you’re not feeling well.

You can get a sore throat, a headache, a gentle cough, or sneeze. However, your symptoms are mild, so you can continue working. But you should also take your temperature and medicine.

And that’s kind of like the pre-shadow phase.

On set of problems- Retrograde Station and Retrograde: Time to Wait?

When mucus thins, it runs down your face and makes it harder to breathe. Your sore throat has now become an uncontrollable cough, and your head is pounding. As a result, you retire to your bed, medicine and tissue in hand.

Anyway, this cycle is very similar to a planet in retrograde. Problems build up depending on the planet, sign, and house themes.

Recovery Mode- Direct Motion: Time to Wait?

You get up again in the final stage. But because of a prolonged sore throat or blocked nose, you’re still sluggish and taking medicine. You push through it, trying to get back to normal, but you are nowhere near fully fit.

Astrologers say everything is over at this point

And in astrology, at this time, a lot of astrologers say everything is over, but it is not. You are still weak, a bit stronger than before. When you get up after being knocked backwards, it takes some time to gather yourself, similar to when a retrograde planet moves forward and goes direct.

Perfectly fine and back to normal- Post-Retrograde: Take Action?

It typically takes about 14 to 18 days after a planet like Mercury has gone direct for it to start feeling stronger or back to normal. Mars can take 8 weeks. And that can be very similar to when you are ill; one week or two weeks later, after recovery mode, you feel fine.

It is like you never had whatever condition you had before. Even if you have other symptoms, they are insignificant and don’t disrupt your day.

Whereas in the other phases, when you’re still a little under the weather, a little groggy, as mentioned, you may still need to take time off because you were not giving your hundred percent, or you may have been doing things but not giving your fullness to whatever project or activity that you had to do within that timeframe.

One week or two weeks later you feel fine


Another association with the retrograde is being a hypercondriact. You know the times when you have been like, “Wait, is Mercury, Mars, or Venus retrograde?” Although most of us have heard about mercury more than the other two.

“Wait, is Mercury, Mars, or Venus retrograde?”

You ask the question above because you have probably had things with your technology go wrong—it breaks down. At a time when you don’t have the energy to do things, your travel plans fall through, but there isn’t a planet that is in retrograde or is in any of the phases that I had just mentioned.

Planning during a retrograde: How to take action during a retrograde?

Prague astronomical clock
Prague astronomical clock

So, in terms of doing something like the timing or when should you launch? Should you tie the knot? Sign a contract? Should you leave somewhere or announce leaving during one of these retrograde cycles?

Whether you should wait or take action during a retrograde depends on how much it affects your life. If you have a launch date but Mercury or Mars is retrograde, you might consider a soft launch to see if you’re ready.

Soft launches are spoken about in the post Mars retrograde. Therefore, as said before, you could do a soft launch or you could just wait after. If you haven’t completed by the direct date, then you know that you do not have to launch when the planet goes direct because it still isn’t strong. You could wait to act until the planet is a little bit stronger than before, like when the planet is out of that post-retrograde cycle.

Use the time for further research that may give you other ideas of what to do instead of launching, like maybe putting a donation button on or putting something small on your site, like a landing page. Alternatively, look for platforms that support creatives.

More positively, you may not have to force yourself to produce new content right then.


If you work a 9-to-5 job and wish to leave or start a new job, you may have to ask for a later start date. If you’re feeling unwell, you can say you’re sick. As for elective surgery, if you have a chance to have it, do not listen to astrology; book the appointment.

Don’t let astrology dictate certain aspects of your life!

Astrology predictions could mess up your life. Even small things, like an astrologer recommending you go and do a course, because if you have a T-square and opposition happening in your 3rd and 9th houses of education, it’s going to be a bit tricky when it comes to studying.

But we humans are the ones reading into things, and our translations aren’t always accurate. Years of astrology should teach you that life has its own timing, so follow your heart and your own rhythm of life.

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