Women in Astrology

Libra Woman

Libra Woman

Who is she?

Libra women are known as peacemakers, although other signs don’t always respect them.

Jealousy perhaps?

Even if Libra woman is in a dispute she must maintain her dignity.

Librans’ thinking and decision-making can appear egotistical to others. Some may even say narcisstic. Remember that Libra pulls from the opposite sign Aries, and the 1st house.

But, Librans do in fact take other people’s feelings into consideration. However, they can be very cutting when they are telling people what to do (similar to Scorpios). For a Libra woman, what she say is right, and for her, right is right.  

The issue with this is that Librans expect people to like them. Librans do not want people to dislike her for telling the truth, which is what normally happens when she can’t help but give unsolicited advice.

What a Libra woman initially does is either mask her real feelings or tolerate other people’s choices, until she has reached a stage of popularity where she can say what she wants.

An Air Sign

 All air signs (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius) are representatives of the mind, and they will all detach in one way or another. Libra needs to separate from things in order to be fair and unbiased, because no other sign will learn more about the laws of cause and effect than Libra.  

Therefore, she needs to watch how she treats other people because karma is a bitch. Another reason for detaching is that all the decision-making she does is exhausting, and she just wants to be superficial and mindless every once in a while (although some Librans, both men and women, are mindless and materialistic all the time).  
Although Libra is the sign holding the scale, Librans are not balanced, but rather she strives for balance. However, her image will never give off any indication of what is going on behind closed doors.  

Libran’s coolness makes her appear as if she has her life in order. She is graceful and often considered to be the most fashionable and beautiful sign (although Taurus may have something to say about that). 

What about Friends and Lovers?

Her fashion, good looks, and calmness win her many friends, but once she starts to judge other people’s lives or her superficial nature surfaces, people begin to abandon her one by one. 
Nevertheless, Librans love people and can connect with people from different walks of life. She prefers having a one-on-one relationship rather than being in a large group (unless that large group is their family).

Libra is associated to the 7th house of marriage, hence she’ll marry young or repeatedly. There will undoubtedly be a queue of suitors and admirers wanting to be in a relationship or friendship (unless the 7th or 5th house is in poor aspect).

It’s either Libra’s looks, charms, or graceful presence that makes people fall head over heels for them. 

Anything else?

Libra is Ruled by the Venus and as mentioned above is ‘naturally’ connected to the 7th house.  

Take the Venus test to find out ‘Powerful’ your Venus is or how ‘Venusian’ are you?  
Take the Venus test 

If you have already taken the test read about The meaning of having your Venus in each house. 

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