• Astrocartography

    Moon IC Line- Hell on Earth or Domestic bliss?

    Moving to my Moon in IC Line? Agadir & Essaouria, Morocco What is the IC in Astrology? The IC stands for Imum Coeli (IC; from Latin for “bottom of the sky”) and it is located at the bottom of an astrological chart. It marks the start (the cusps) of the 4th sector of the chart (12 sections in total). In the 4th is where family, property, land, inner life, nationhood, roots, the core of you, and the end of life are all located. What is an IC Line? In locational astrology, the IC line is the equivalent of visiting the 4th house. And the Moon in IC is like having…

  • Astrocartography

    What is Astrocartography?

    What is all the hoopla about astrocartography, you might be asking? Well, you know how people often advise those who are unhappy with their lives to “get out of town” or to move or travel to a different location? Or people that don’t “click” with where they live, they do not feel they belong. “I’m sick of this place. Nothing good has happened to me here, apart from stress” Simply put, Astrocartography locates the best places to go depending on the time of day, month, year, am or pm, and location of your birth. One-Eyed Willy’s Map Remember One-Eyed Willy’s map in the Goonies? The map that took seven kids on…

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