
What are Master Numbers? 

Master numbers are formed by timesing 11 by the next number up from one to four. For example, 11×2= 22, 11×3= 33, 11×4=44. Therefore, 11, 22, 33, and 44 make up the four master numbers.   

Thus, the belief is that Master numbers have more “potential and to transmit more power than other numbers” because they are duplicates of the first four numbers.  

Interestingly, add all the Master numbers together, and you get 110. But reduce 110 to a lower domination, and you return to master number 2/11.   

Eye Catching

Master numbers are interchangeably called “repetitive numbers.” When three or more digits are present, they are repetitive/ angel numbers. However, there is a school of thought that angels use all numbers.

Although, as a rule of thumb, triple or quadruple digits can never be Master numbers.     

Double digits are eye-catching, like any other double act. For example take female twins and mens objectification of the potential of being with two identical objects.

Greed, you may say or they are a mere fascination.   

Twins are rare, and in the case of being fetishized, they are mostly men’s wish, while twins are almost every woman’ s/parents surprise (finding out one is pregnant with twins).   

Nonetheless, identical numbers fit in with the idea of measurements. Of things needing to be the perfect proportion because one balances the other. When one thing is added to another, we unconsciously think that the second thing makes the first thing “greater than.”

And when we apply this thinking to our lives, it means that something more could happen, something greater. Or that more work must be completed.     

An identical pair, it always represents duality. Life is full of dualities, like life and death. Black and white. Man and woman. Of course, there is still a grey area like being partly alive, mixed/grey, or a hermaphrodite.    

However, master numbers like all things in duality have a downside or the opposite. For example, if someone believes they don’t have to input anything into manifesting their master number, they’ll achieve nothing.

Nonetheless, this duality is not harmful, they are simply complementary to the other.  

What about Astrology?

Since there are twelve months in a year, astrological numbers like signs run from 1-12. However, the degrees of each planet in a chart go from 0-30′. And when planets are at specific placements between 0-30, they are called critical degrees.  

The most auspicious degrees are the anaretic degree, which occurs when a planet falls one shy of completing or starting a cycle. This happens when a planet falls one short of one to thirty on either 0 or 29 degrees of any sign.  

When a planet is at 29′ astrologers, say it shows one’s talents, skills, and life lessons that we have or will master. 

The degree has reached a level of maturity.

It has achieved its “final” peak; in the “degree of fate.” Like Master numbers, your effort will pay off.

Jack of all Trades a Master of None

When you get or are a master number, you might have felt constrained by the unpredictable changes which occurred in the early part of your life. Nevertheless, as a master number, you will have to display strong traits of composure, self-assurance, self-control, calmness, and impassivity.

At some point in your life, you will remember the mutual agreement you have about your mission here on earth. And it is that knowledge will help you succeed in returning to the ultimate.  

You see, or when you are 11’s, 22’s, 33’s, and 44’s, it is understood that you have something extra to “master” than the rest of us mere mortals.  

When you see or are a master number, it’s assumed you have something additional to “master.” You have more to do than us mere mortals.    

What you must master differs slightly depending on your number. However, above all, in this lifetime, you must learn how to be more supportive to those around you!

Thus, it would help if you mastered the ability to make others feel as assured. To feel calm, and as confident as you do or as you appear.

However, above all in this lifetime you must learn how to be more supportive to those around you!

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