Sun Sign

Aries Sun sign

March 21 to April 19


Alert, competitive, impulsive, vain, selfish, bossy, active distractible, adaptable, straightforward, optimist, inspiring, enterprising, passionate, intense, reckless, energetic.

Little Lambs

There is a myth that Aries is an aggressive, assertive, and angry individuals. But in truth, most Aries are a little selfish and fickle, if not silly and childish. The rest are quite zen-like.

Even if they have children of their own (normally stop at one or two kids max), Aries are the type of people who never grow up. They’re the embodiment of a Peter Pan character who will either act eternally young or look forever twelve (or at least try lol). 

Alternatively, they will always be babies within their family unit or deemed immature despite their cerebral nature. Nevertheless, Aries is one of the realist signs. They are fearless yet innocent.

There is nothing malicious about an Aries, absolutely nothing.

The Babies of the Zodiac

Although, like most signs, Aries has a range of emotions. Aries are like sleeping babies; they’re relatively docile. Remember their the first of the 12 signs, and also known as the baby of the zodiac. Their actions often mimic those of a baby or teenager.

Like someone a baby trying to find the right facial expression or teen trying to figure out the right pose.

Maybe the myth is not about them being the 1st in the pack but comes from the baby comparisons? 

Like all babies, there is that troublesome side. Aries can go from being all ditzy, fuzzy, and cute. Without warning, display a set of displeasing temperaments back to maintaining their equanimity.

In terms of their upbringing, Aries are taught from a young age that they need to act quickly to gain attention, and to earn the respect of people who have power. But more than gaining respect, they want to stand out.

Aries wants to control their own destiny. To be the hero of their story. And they do this by

It doesn’t matter if they aren’t the oldest child. But their astrological position may make them think they Even if they aren’t the oldest child, it doesn’t matter. Their astrological position, however, suggests they will be first to get married. ‘ Obtain fame or notoriety. Profit massively. And an Aries lady may want to get pregnant first if she has sisters and those social and aspirational milestones have not been met. 

The Victim?

Aries wants to control their own destiny. To be the hero of their own story and to end up victorious. But, in order to succeed and win their first medal on the podium, they use their trait of being pure and simple. Having as many friends as possible and exuding class with a dash of naughtiness helps them win at this game we call life.

However, many Aries feel more persecuted than Virgo, Cancer, and even more so than Pisces. Their under the idea that they have gotten the short end of the stick especially true before their thirties.

Aries constantly in command and demand. They view their lives from the perspective of an outsider, especially when it comes to their families. Being first sign makes them the original, and as a result, they believe wholeheartedly everyone, and their mother is imitating them. 

They tend to be the most critical, assuming they are the best. But another reason they set themselves apart is because they believe no one has had their back.

Unfortunately, many Aries have identity or health issues. For example, they can be more prone to body dysmorphia even if they think their body is ideal, even if others may feel the opposite.

Although, in general, more than any other sign, Aries can be insecure about how they look or how they are perceived. As a result, they often (secretly) wish they were someone else.

However, non-Aries people aren’t judging them based on their looks but more on personality.

In Relationships

Now let’s talk about relationships. Aries is the sign that is most likely to marry young. To settle down with a childhood sweetheart, or marry someone with a considerable age difference.

And boy can they rush into love. Things are very intense from the start. Because Aries believes they know what they desire, time is compressed, but they fall for possessive people and change their minds.

Similarly, Aries is an action-oriented sign, wanting things done their way. Although fearless, they are also as sweet as a bit of lamb; thus, they must be careful not to end up in relationships where they are used or mistreated.

Remember, they see themselves as standalone, especially from their family. But they think the same about their spouse, that they are two individuals coming together.

But they are often attracted to mates who view the partnership as one unit; “what’s mine is yours,” which can cause marital problems.

Luckily, Aries is a fire-starter who has a burning desire to get things going, especially if things go wrong. 


A policeman or an entrepreneur. Mechanic. An athlete But remember to check the second, sixth, and 10th house placements regarding your career, and to a lesser degree, the ruler of the first house.

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