Women in Astrology

Aquarius Woman

Aquarius Woman

What a Humane bunch!

Why do people either say “what a strange or humane bunch” when they are talking about Aquarius woman?

Aquarius and Uranian people are loved, if not adored.

Let me rephrase that; other people worship them.

The ideal sign?

People put Aquarians on a very high pedestal, as seen with the hype over the Age of Aquarius. In everyday life, high praise is given by friends, associates, groups, or by people in large organisations. I bet you’re asking why is this praise given?

Well, it’s because Aquarius is the ideal sign and people secretly admire their alternative stance and their viewpoints. Other signs want to be there friends. Dress like them. Be brave like them, or get the same haircut or bright hair colour as most Aquarians have.

Aquarius Rebel

Aside from their distinctive hairstyle, spotting an Aquarius is easy!

Aquarians are the first to join a group or revolutionary movement and work with friends (and in some cases, work with a significant other).

At first, Aquarius likes being close to other people, but after a while, they start to feel trapped or let down by someone they work with. 

Aquarius Woman’s Personality

The Aquarius will begin to rebel against preconceived notions associated with their involvement with a movement, friend, group, or partner at this point. Now this is where their strangeness comes into play.

To us non-Aquarians, she lives a near perfect life. To non-Aquarians, she enjoys a near-perfect life. When she abandons the ideal existence, we scratch our heads wondering what’s wrong with her.

Aquarians will walk away from money, best friends, belief systems, and causes they championed for years and years.

We start to think they are strange, fake, or unfeeling.

Why would someone become passionate about something, then abandon it?

Well, the reason is simple.

No Labels. No Frills.

When a Aquarius woman becomes synonymous with a friend, lover, or organization. Basically, when someone gives her a popular label, she often expresses a desire to be freed from that role.

Labeling can include her looks or personality.They want no labels because it means they do not have to conform to everybody else’s way of thinking.


Surprisingly, Aquarians prefer to tell others about themselves rather than have others tell them about their perceptions. This is because Aquarius is an intellectual sign, a sign that thinks it knows it all, but not in a conceited way.

Therefore, this sign does not want to think our thoughts.

They are all about creating their own thoughts. Although they reject us when they don’t want our opinion, this never lasts.

Aquarius will cut us off, but if we extend the olive branch, they will accept it. They too can admit they are wrong, and this will come as a massive surprise to them and to the person they are apologising to.

And maybe this is the real reason we love them: they surprise us by doing the unpredictable or rebelling against the things we want to rebel against. We can only dream of cutting that nasty friend out of our lives, going on strike, or leaving a big pay cheque (check) in order to pursue their dreams.

Tidbits about Aquarius

Everyone will have Aquarius and Uranus in the chart  but some will have a more powerful connection to the planet Uranus and to it’s sign Aquarius. 

Aquarius is Ruled by the Uranus. Aquarius was once ruled by Saturn before the discovery of Uranus in March 18th 1781.

Aquarius’s ‘natural’ house is the 11th house.

Take the Uranus test to find out how ‘Uranian’ you are or how ‘Powerful’ Uranus is in your birth chart.

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