
Leo and Virgo Compatibility: Your Perfect Match?

Leo Fixed Fire sign: Symbol-a Lion 🦁

Virgo mutable Earth sign: Symbol-Female virgin carrying wheat 🌾👩 

Leo interests: Hobbies, speculative sports/activities, relaxing  

Virgo interests: Music, reading, organising

Compatibility rating: 10/10 

A not too serious outlook on the pairing of a Leo with a Virgo 

What was the real name of the gorilla woman?

She worked with mountain gorillas in Rwanda. I ask because Virgo’s astrological home is one that houses animals, albeit small domesticated pets, but still.

You can therefore picture Virgo studying the conservation of lions, right?

And you can imagine a conservationist getting too attached to the animal they’re attending too, no?

If that is a stretch to far, Leo and Virgo are next to each other on the zodiac chart. Therefore, they are used to one another on some degree.

In your relationship as a Leo with a Virgo

In my opinion, Leo and Virgo make a surprisingly compatible pair. While Virgos are famed for their modesty, Leos are sometimes stereotyped as being egotistical.

People have doubts about the longevity of your relationship because of the contrasts between you two. Not to mention the fact that your never-ending drama might have a negative impact on your relationships because they are not sure why Virgo is dating a drama queen or “bad boy.” By being with you people’s impressions of Virgo being prim and proper changes.

You are extravagant. You love to spend money, whereas Virgo, like fellow earth sign Taurus and, to some degree, Capricorn, loves a good bargain.

Virgos, like Scorpios, are natural accountants because the sign resides in the house of habits (among other themes). And regardless of Virgo’s financial status, they help you improve money in one way or another, be it through your habits, getting you to appreciate the value of a dollar, or by helping you make more with them than without them.

Not only do they help with sorting out your finances, they bring a big dose of reality to your life and get you to level up. Remember that Leo and Virgo are next to one another, and if you count Leo and Virgo on one finger, you get the number two that correlates to the 2nd house of finances in an astrology chart.

Besides all that, you can feel very special being with a Virgo because they may not at first understand why you’ve picked them instead of someone else. A Virgo is so flattered that you noticed them that they will go out of their way to treat you like royalty (at least at first).

Pros and Cons

Positives: Virgos are great at organizing your lives. They’re good at curbing your bad habits, like overspending. Your finances improve. They will be of great service to you (including the loyalty that you like). A person that dotes on your every move.Virgo is more than happy to be on the sidelines while egocentric Leo takes center stage. You get to be spontaneous, and your earth sign lover appreciates it.

Negatives: You could get bored and prone to look elsewhere. Virgo is too critical and controlling, turning you all the way off. People will hold you responsible for everything because they cannot imagine a Virgo being at fault. Finical difficulties but Virgo can get you back on track.

Advice: Ruled by the sun, you are pretty positive, so focusing on the good will make any situation more bearable and help you get through the hard times and see past your doubters.

* Remember that astrology is more than just a study of your zodiac sign. To better comprehend compatibility, it’s best to study both charts together.

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